21 September 2020 (Monday) - Early Shift

I slept like a log right up to the point where I woke far too early. I came downstairs and chivvied Sid into the garden to do what Sid does in the garden. He’s still rather hit-and-miss in that area and so we just walk him round until “things drop out”. He’s getting old, and this is how it is.. bless him.

Mind you he can get in the back door now. I’ve put a stone slab by the door – the extra inch is all he needs to be able to get in on his own.


I sorted myself a bowl of granola and watched more “Away”. Again the show was let down by complete ignorance on the part of the show’s technical advisors. Given that our heroes have drilled a hole in the side of their spaceship, it makes for dramatic viewing to have them fleeing along corridors and up ladders to get to safety before all the air goes. However, wouldn’t any such spaceship have pressure doors at very regular intervals so that any mishap (like drilling a hole in the wall) *wouldn’t* render half the ship uninhabitable?

I then had a little look at the internet – today’s nastiest squabble was on one of the Lego-related pages. Some people like to buy Lego as a financial investment and keep it sealed in boxes. Others like to play with the stuff. Why can’t one load of people just accept what the other lot does without having to take major offence that someone else does something differently?


I drove to work through a very foggy morning. The lorry which nearly drove me off the road today was one of a fork lift rental company. Fork lift rentals? I had no idea that was a thing.

As I drove up the motorway the pundits on the radio were (again) spreading scare stories about coronageddon. I wonder if they have ever considered listening to what they are saying. On the one hand they were threatening the imminent economic collapse of the country as the UK's finances are supposedly going tits-up. On the other hand there were reports of many employers giving furlough money back to the government since they didn't need it as their businesses were doing OK.

Which is it? Business booming or business collapsing?

I stopped off on my way to work to hide a film pot under a rock. After the lock-down eased there was a flurry of new geocaches being hidden but that seems to have slowed somewhat, so here's another one to keep people rummaging under rocks. This is one with what I hope is a rather tricky puzzle to be solved before it can be found. Mind you I've done this sort of thing before and it didn't get many finds. I wonder if this one will. I expect there will be a little delay until the puzzle is solved, and then the (supposedly secret) location will slowly be shared as its GPS co-ordinates get swapped for the final locations of other caches that other hunters of Tupperware have found.


I drove on to work and did my thing. Today’s thing involved external quality assurance on Rh phenotyping which is nowhere near as exciting as it sounds. As I phenotyped there was a lot of consternation being expressed at work about the local schools today. Many of the nurseries are only allowing children to be dropped off and collected by parents. Previous arrangements whereby aunts, uncles, grandparents and carers are no longer allowed to go near the nursey for fear of COVID-19. And "COVID-19" has been given as the reason why several local schools have announced that they are now closing at mid day every Wednesday and having the afternoon off.


And talking of afternoons off, bearing in mind the weather was good and no one else at all was off, I took the afternoon off. I got a quick bit of shopping, took the dogs round the woods, and spent three hours pootling in the garden. Pulling weeds, trimming lawn edges, moving rocks and shingle about…

I gave up pootling when it hurt too much to continue, went upstairs to get changed, and "er indoors TM" woke me an hour and a half later…

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