16 October 2024 (Wednesday) - This n That

As I do on the morning after most vaccinations, I woke feeling vaguely cheated. So many people claim to have such terrible after-effects from injections. I’m sure it’s all in the mind. I blame the people giving the jab. If they were to say that this was a new vaccine and you might just possibly come out in a bright red rash then quite a few people would be reaching for the felt-tipped pens just to be sure they didn’t miss out. I can remember our BCG vaccines at school. We were told that our arms might be sore for a day or so and half our class were supposedly in agony for a week. One lad in particular would go hysterical screaming “mind my BCG!!!” if anyone came within two yards of him for the rest of the year.
I made toast and scoffed it whilst peering into the Internet. It was still there. Nothing much had changed really. People were squabbling over trivia as people do. But I had a pang of guilt.
Many years ago (forty-nine) I took a friend along to Boys Brigade. This chap’s father had died when he was very young, and he latched onto every man who came into his life; obviously craving a father figure. Through me, my old mate met the Boys Brigade leader who was a religious nut. And because of that my old mate became a religious nut himself. He’s now the pastor of a big Baptist church in the west country and his church regularly posts up videos of him preaching. One of his videos was on Facebook this morning.
In these videos he spouts stark staring nonsense and has a bible quote for absolutely every single thing that happens. Going to McDonalds, having a pee, watching “Bake Off”, taking the dogs out… he has a verse for everything. All of which seems perfectly sensible to him and all of which are clearly ridiculous and don’t stand up to any reasoned thought whatsoever. Sometimes when watching his videos I fear for his sanity…and it’s all my fault that he got religion.
I Munzed, then got ready for the day. I put washing in to scrub then took the dogs up to Kings Wood. I had “did not find” logs on two of my geocaches. One was there, one wasn’t. I replaced the missing one. As we walked we met other dog walkers; every meeting passed off without incident. It usually does when there is no one to see the dogs behaving themselves.
We came home. I had a cuppa then cracked on with the current pond project. I (sort of) levelled up the area at the top of the pond which I had dug out over the weekend, lined the sleeper at the top of the pond, got weed-proof membranes in place and put the sleepers for the bog filter roughly in place. Thirty seconds to type; over three hours to do. As I worked I spirit-levelled every bit individually, but with it all (sort of) together it looked more pissed than a pissed thing. Oh well… if all goes to plan it will all be hidden by rocks and plants anyway.
The plan is that tomorrow I shall attach all the bits of wood together. I wonder if I will.
I came in, had a cuppa and realized I could hardly move. I had a look at my bank account, did some CPD, and suddenly remembered that I’d put some washing on the line earlier. I got that lot in, then slobbed about on the telly sleeping through some utter twaddle on the “Blaze” channel about how the Americans stole atom bombs form aliens during the second world war.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good dinner which we scoffed whilst watching more “Lego Masters: Australia” as a thunderstorm started. It was as well we’ve no end of stuff recorded on the Sky-Q box as the rain was so heavy it poggered the TV satellite signal.
Let’s hope it comes back.

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