10 October 2024 (Thursday) - Rather Busy

With no alarm set I slept through until the dogs woke me when then started a rather vigorous play-fight at about half-past seven. To be sure that their play-fighting had woken me they all then set about licking my head, and once they were confident that I was awake they all went back to sleep.
I made toast and had a look at the Internet. There was quite a bit of talk about how the BBC’s weather app has gone dinlo overnight and was forecasting wind speeds of over fifteen thousand miles per hour. Apparently the BBC were well aware there was an issue with their forecasts, but some idiot was posting to local Facebook groups claiming it was all a cyber-attack by the Russians. Oh dear…
“er indoors TM set off to the office; I took the dogs up to the woods. As we drove the pundits on the radio were interviewing Terry Deary, the author of the children’s books “Horrible Histories”. He’s apparently writing adult history books now.
We got to the woods and had a rather uneventful walk, which was probably for the best. We walked three and a half miles; we saw one or two other dog walkers. All the encounters passed off without episode. They usually do when it is just me and the dogs.
It was a shame that all three dogs rolled in something foul as we walked, but that’s what dogs do.
We came home. The dogs had a bath, and I mowed the lawn. The lawn was probably too wet to have been mowed, but it was so long it wasn’t going to dry out any time soon. And with lawn mowed I got out the pressure washer and had a go at the area just outside the back door. It had got rather grubby over the last few months.
I popped over the road to the Polish shop to get some ingredients, and spent the afternoon alternately watching episodes of “Brideshead Revisited” and making plov Mk I. Plov is an Usbek dish which we had when on holiday a couple of weeks ago. We had it a couple of times, and it was rather good. Mind you in Uzbekistan it wasn’t up against much competition. Over there raw whole tomatoes and raw whole cucumbers count as haute cuisine.
“er indoors TM came home and I dished up scran. I’m rather pleased with how it came out. MkII will include peppers.
I’ve had a rather busy day today… I had hoped to get the ironing done as well…
And the BBC weather forecast is still wrong.

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