15 October 2024 (Tuesday) - Late Shift

I slept well. Apparently “er indoors TM didn’t. She was in and out with Treacle several times during the night.
I made toast and had my usual rummage round the Internet. There was a major rant happening on one of the local Facebook groups about a local GP surgery. They open their phone lines at eight o’clock for an hour, but say they might close them early if all the appointments go. Apparently this morning the phone lines closed at five past eight.
Thinking back to yesterday’s rant it is quite clear that the GPs can’t cope, so why on Earth does Lord Darzi want to burden them with more work…?
I munzed, I failed at Wordle, and took the dogs for a walk. Not having as long as we usually have, we just walked to the park and back. As we walked we saw “OrangeHead” whose head today was a vivid russet. Back in the day when I used to take Fudge to the park we would regularly meet “OrangeHead” and a gang of her mates. I laughingly called the mates “OrangeHead’s posse” and the membership of the posse would ebb and flow. From time to time I’d see her going in one direction and some of her posse going in another. Chatting with them they would all be falling out with each other all the time. It would seem that in the years since we regularly walked round the park she’s still got a posse. I wonder if they still quarrel.
I also saw something that boiled my piss. There’s some relatively new houses that have been built near the park overlooking the river, It would take over six years wages of the average UK citizen to buy one of them. Alternatively you could get one by taking out a mortgage over twenty-five years and paying back over a thousand quid a month. Sitting on the other side of the river from these houses is a tent in which some poor homeless sod had set up.
This isn’t the future I was promised…
We came home. Because we’ve got a home to come to. The dogs had brekkie, and on seeing a new geocache had gone live not a million miles from work I set off early in the hope of getting a First to Find.
I didn’t get it.
I went on to work where as well as having a rather busy afternoon I also had both my COVID and flu injections, and came home through the rain.
Mind you not getting to be First to Find, being busy and having injections pales into insignificance compared to that poor sod in his tent in Viccie Park in the rain.

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