13 October 2024 (Sunday) - A Walk, More Pond

I slept for nine hours last night. Something of a result. I got up, and as I do most mornings, made toast and peered into the Internet. Apparently last night was Hastings Bonfire Parade. I should have known that, and we wouldn’t have gone anyway, but I felt rather miffed that I’d missed it.
Glossing over endless adverts for lengthy holidays in far-away places there wasn’t much else happening on-line, so I went and fetched the car from where I’d parked it after Dog Club yesterday. It started bleating about low tyre pressures; it claimed all four tyres needed a bit of air. So I got the pump out. They all did.
This has left me wondering – I’ve never had a car that tells me about tyre pressures before. Had I been driving round with low tyre pressures for years? I’ll never know.
And with tyres pumped I went into the garden and spent half an hour shifting shingle for the current ongoing pond project.
After half an hour we got the dogs onto their leads and drove down to Ham Street. I’d suggested a little walk to “er indoors TM, and “My Boy TM, Cheryl and Ro-Ro wanted to come along too.
As always when looking for a little walk I’d looked at the geocache map and spotted a multi-cache near Ham Street garden centre. This involved going to the given location and solving a little puzzle to find the final location of the geocache. Looking at the map it was pretty obvious that the cache would be on the footpath along the military canal, and whichever way we went would put us near a second geocache… so there was our walk laid out for us.
We all met up in a lay-by near Ham Street; I solved the puzzle and sure enough we had a final location a quarter of a mile down the canal. After a quick(ish) find we carried on to a notice board about the construction of the canal. The second cache was a puzzle based on this notice board. We got the information we needed and we carried on walking as I solved the puzzle. It didn’t take me long to realise we’d walked past the cache. So we carried along the canal as far as the railway line then turned back. The second cache was soon found. It was… I won’t give spoilers, but the non-hunters-of-Tupperware in our group were rather impressed.
I was impressed too. Again a silly little hobby had given us a rather good walk along a rather pretty canal where we wouldn’t otherwise have gone. As we came along the canal we saw herons and egrets, swans and cygnets, and even a hawk. We saw some people fishing, and one other group of walkers, but other than that we had the world to ourselves. Geocaching takes us to some rather good places.
With walk walked we drove up the road to Ham Street garden centre. The place has rebuilt its car park. We had a nosey round, then on seeing the café was dog-friendly we had a cuppa. I suspect that when they said “dog friendly” they weren’t expecting us to bring in four, but they were amazingly well behaved. A cuppa and a slice of lemon drizzle cake went down very well.
We said our goodbyes and came home. I went out to the garden and cracked on shifting shingle, then lifted the weed-proof membranes and dug out the basic shape for my new bog filter. As I dug I realized that two of the garden slabs which had been underneath the old garden tub were exactly the right size to line the hole I’d dug. But getting them level would take some doing. That can be tomorrow’s project…
I came in for coffee and cake (oh yus!) and sent an email to AllPondSolutions – I need a new input thingy for the pressure filter. The existing one seems to have a crack and is dripping.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good curry which we scoffed whilst watching the first episode of the fifth season of “Lego Masters: Australia”. In this season they’ve brought back winners and runners-up from the first four seasons to have a “Grand Masterscontest.
It’s a shame they’ve brought back the opinionated and arrogant idiot from the first season; hope he loses.
(is that wrong of me?)

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