23 December 2023 (Saturday) - A Christmas Dinner

After a relatively good night I got up. Having found a drawing pin on the carpet last night (in the dark) I was rather careful as I stepped about.
I made toast as I looked at a rather dull internet. Not much had happened on Facebook overnight, but I’d had a load of “Found It” logs from someone who had been round the geocaches I’d put out in Kings Wood.
He’d come all the way from Scotland, and openly admitted he’d found a cheat site from which he’d downloaded the final locations rather than doing the puzzles as they were supposed to be done.
I suppose if people want to cheat it is entirely up to them, but this chap has found over fifty thousand geocaches and hidden one. One! And they wonder why the hobby is dying on its arse.
We got the leads on to the dogs and set off to Dog Club where we had a rather good time. The dogs (ours and everyone else’s) had a great time. As they charged around a couple of the young lads who come along showed me what they had been doing over the last few weeks. They’d made a “Top Trumps” game featuring the dogs from Dog Club. The “Morgan” card had a very high score for speed. The “Treacle” card had a very low score for speed, but had a rather high “defence” score.
As we drove home we were rather disappointed that Steve wasn’t on the radio. His stand-in was at best a pale imitation.
We came home, had a cuppa, then set off to Singleton Lake where we met Karl, Tracey and Charlotte, and we had a rather good walk round the lake and up to the waterfalls, then home for a bit of dinner. We had a rather good bit of dinner. And beer. And port and cheese. It was good to catch up.
After pretty much an entire bottle of port the rest of the day was rather vague…

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