21 June 2020 (Sunday) - Feeling Iffy

I slept like a log; perhaps I had had too much sun yesterday? I cleared up the mess that "Daddy’s Little Angel TM" had scattered through the living room then (as I scoffed toast) peered into the Internet to see what I’d missed overnight.
My comment on the Facebook group “Extreme Dishwasher Loading” had caused a few chuckles. Social media needs more groups like “Extreme Dishwasher Loading”; they are fun and it doesn’t have the bitter squabbles that usually plague Facebook groups.

My in-box was full to bursting this morning – nearly three hundred “Found it” logs on my new geocaches in Kings Wood; all with rather favourable comments. I was rather pleased about that.
I had a little look-see on one of the geo-websites and I found out that for every geocache I’ve found, two and a half other people have found one that I have hidden. Effectively I’ve giving the hobby two and a half times that which I am taking from it… I was rather pleased about that. This “2.5” number is called “Caching Karma”; you can calculate it for yourself and for others by clicking here. I did write a rather judgemental little rant on the subject, but decided to delete it…
I then sent out a few birthday messages… one chap was having his twenty-fifth birthday today; I remember him being born.

The plan for the morning had been gardening, but it was raining. I got the dog turds gathered up before giving up. Instead I spent the morning sorting out the geo-admin and creating caches for my the new geo-series that I am planning. As I geo-plotted "My Boy TM" called with a Fathers’ Day card and a bottle of decent beer.
When the weather perked up we took four dogs down to Orlestone Woods where we had a really good walk… right up to the part where my three caught a rabbit.
I took a few photos as we walked, but not of the rabbit…

Once home I got on with the gardening chores. More turd-harvesting, then I mowed the lawn, and cut back all the overgrowth pouring over the fence from not-so-nice-next-door.
Once I’d eventually got the gardening done I sat out and had a beer with "Daddy’s Little Angel TM".
"er indoors TM" boiled up a rather good bit of dinner, and "Daddy’s Little Angel TM" then disappeared out with her mate “Skinhead”.
I’m thinking about another early night… I’m still not feeling right.

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