27 January 2024 (Saturday) - After the Night Shift

That letter from the bank (about the old reptile club's accounts that arrived yesterday) had me spending spent much of last night's night shift thinking about the old reptile club. I can remember the club's first meeting at The Plough in Brabourne some time in the mid 1990s (it must have been about then - according to my old snake-herding website I gave my first talk on snakes in 1997). It was rumoured that the landlord there kept snakes; particularly a huge python. Everyone knew the rumours of this snake but no one ever actually saw it.
At that first club meeting I got talking with the chap who'd arranged it, and I offered to produce a newsletter for the club (I was keen on my Serif desktop publishing package back then). I can distinctly remember just after making that offer being told by a friend "you can't just be a member, can you?"
I soon became very much wrapped up with that club. Initially there was a minor battle between the two local reptile shops as to which one would hold sway... I say "battle"; the shop which tried to call the shots soon went bust.
The chap who started the club very soon disappeared (never to be seen again), but the club grew without him. The chap who became chairman of the club became a good friend of mine. It turned out that his wife knew me from my religious days in Hastings in the early 1980s. The club moved to The Fox in Willesborough, and then on to The Albion. We had speakers and quizzes. Guest experts would come along; we once had a vet who said he loved reptile keepers as they always knew what was up with their animals and all he ever had to do was sell the medicine. The club would put on displays for local schools and clubs. We had a great time.
Sadly after three or four years it all fell apart. Looking back it is probably fair to say the club over-reached itself. There was talk about setting up an animal sanctuary as a registered charity, and people who had been firm friends suddenly felt they were competing for jobs in a business which was never going to exist.
By then I'd become treasurer of the club (I seem to become treasurer of clubs) and a rather aggressive woman from Stanhope (I think she might have been an "Audrey") was also on the committee and was watching me like a hawk. She insisted that she counted all money collected at club events before it was ever handed to me, and she was regularly demanding to look at the bank statements. She was absolutely convinced that every month I was giving thirty quid of the club money to some other committee member (who I can vaguely remember being called Adrian and who was a cub scout leader in Bethersden). She was particularly angry about the matter because I was supposedly managing to hide this thirty quid so well it never appeared in any of the accounts. To shut her up we had the accounts professionally audited, but that just wound her up more.
Personally I suspected she just wanted some of the cash for herself, and thought if she made enough fuss I might hand some over.
Eventually the club stopped being fun. Having some harridan constantly publicly accusing you of embezzlement does that. I walked away from the club which then folded a couple of months later.
Sadly clubs seem to do that. The Kent-wide Trekkie club got rather nasty (I was accused of fiddling the money there as well!). The attempts to form a UK-wide kite club got very bitter. Astro club used to be fun. In my blacker moments I wonder how long Dog Club has got left...
Talking of which, once the early shift arrived this morning I set off to Dog Club. The initial plan was to drive home, collect everyone, and then drive them round to Dog Club. But some genius at Kent County Council had put two sets of temporary traffic lights between home and Dog Club. So having looked at my journey on Google Maps I was faced with a decision. Either arrive at Dog Club on my own fifteen minutes early and let “er indoors TMfetch Darcie Waa Waa TM and the dogs, or go home and collect everyone and arrive fifteen minutes late. Bearing in mind there is only one key to the paddock and that key was in my pocket I thought it best not to keep anyone waiting.
Dog Club went very well. I spent a few minutes bunging up the holes in the fence before people arrived, and we had a great session. A few people wondered if their dogs should graduate up to the “middle dogs” group that follows ours, so we stayed with them rather later than we usually do.
It was good to do the dog thing (even if Max did tiddle up my wellies) but we missed the Mystery Year contest on the radio.
We came home; “Darcie Waa Waa TM sang along with all sorts of nonsense on You-Tube. Rather than going to bed I sat on the sofa to be with her… and fell asleep there instead.
After far too many Dave And Ava Songs  “er indoors TMtook “Darcie Waa Waa TM home. I had a very late shave, dishwashered and generally got ready for the evening.
Chris soon arrived with the Infinity Table, and once it was set up, Steve and Sarah arrived; followed by Martin and Tony. We had a rather good evening playing “Ticket To Ride”; I managed to win a game (heaven only knows how!)
It’s a shame that there is a limit as to how many people can play the game. Next time we’ll set up another table with something else going on.
Usually the day after a night shift is a tad dull. Today was rather good…

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