16 January 2024 (Tuesday) - Rather Cold

I woke at one o'clock again this morning, but rolled over and then slept through for a few more hours. I got up, made toast and watched another episode of "Peep Show" in which Olivia Coleman again kept her kit on. Mind you she was getting jiggy in the store room; something I've never done myself. Not that I'm claiming the moral high ground (much).
With telly watched I had a little look at Facebook. Several people were posting all sorts of things about it being far too cold for dogs to be outside. It *is* far too cold for dogs to be outside. I wish someone would tell Bailey. She is one of the smallest dogs I have ever seen and she spends most of the evenings whinging at the back door asking to go out, and once she's out she flatly refuses to come back in. The only way to get her back inside is to physically capture her and carry her in. And then she starts whinging to go out into the cold again.
There were also loads of people asking to join Dog Club this morning... when I say "join Dog Club" there were loads of requests from people wanting to join the Facebook page of Dog Club. For every one person who goes to Dog Club there are over a dozen followers of that Facebook page. I can't help but wonder why people want to follow Dog Club on-line. As Facebook pages go, it is rather dull. Pretty much all that happens is that I post a few photos every Saturday morning.
I got myself organised and set off to find where I'd left my car. Having totally forgotten where I'd parked last night I walked the streets pressing the "unlock" button on the car key until I saw the car's hazard lights flash in the distance.
I took a few minutes to scrape the ice from the windscreen this morning; there was quite a lot to shift.
As I drove up the motorway I chuckled at the pundits on the radio. Yesterday I mentioned that it had been claimed on the radio that the Labour party look set for a massive landslide victory with a majority of over one hundred seats. This morning the same pundits said that Labour would need the biggest swing in election history to get in.
And there was a lot of talk about Donald Trump who is powering ahead in his attempt to secure nomination for the upcoming Presidential election. Just in case you've forgotten about him, here's eighty-two blunders he's made. But despite being a twit, the public love him. Like that idiot Boris Johnson, the public love a showman...
The journey  to work was easier this morning; far less lorry drivers were playing silly beggars this morning. If I was a lorry driver I would just stay in the slow lane and keep going. Why do so many of them constantly take the best part of a mile to overtake the lorry in front, just to have that lorry then take just as long and as far to overtake back again?
I got to work; there was cake. As I worked I listened to two colleagues talking about the weekend "they" had just had. "We" did better than "you" as "you" lost... it soon became apparent that they were talking about their preferred football teams, but talking as though they had both been actually on the pitch playing with the teams. People take football so much to heart and so personally, don't they?
With work done and cake scoffed I came home. It was a full eight degrees warmer as I drove home compared to my journey to work this morning, but it was still far too cold.
“er indoors TM set off to take Daddy’s Little Angel TMshopping. They wanted to go to The Range. I certainly didn’t so I stayed home.
I am reliably informed they found a packed of dog poo bags which came with instructions. Doesn’t it speak volumes about today’s society that people need to be told how to bag a dog turd?
As they shopped I did more ironing whilst watching something off of Netflix. “Human Traffic” was… I won’t say “crap”, but after an hour nothing was happening so I turned it off, and dozed underneath a pile of dogs until “er indoors TM came home. I seem to do that quite a bit these days. It’s all about shared warmth.


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