21 January 2024 (Sunday) - The Tower on Holly Hill

I managed to lay in bed until by back ached last night… usually a sign of having had a good night’s sleep.
I got up and made toast. As I scoffed it I peered into the Internet as I do so often. It was still there. A couple of days ago I mentioned that I was seeing adverts for the MP for Milton Keynes on my Facebook feed. After having seen quite a few I commented on one of them saying “The fourth time your advert has appeared on my feed. I'm over a hundred miles away. If I were you I'd ask for my money back...” I got a rather aggressive response from some right-wing chap this morning. And on a Star Trek related pages other people were getting very nasty with each other about trade unions. One of the sad things about social media is it gives the cowardly the opportunity to be rude to people safe in the knowledge they will never have to face them in real life.
There was a semi-religious argument going on too. Someone on one of the pages I follow had gone to her local vicar asking for help for her money worries. The vicar had suggested she prayed; prayer being the answer to all life’s problems. And at the next church service the same vicar was demanding hard cash from the congregation. I was reminded of a wedding I once went to (at the big church in the centre of Rye) where they had the cheek to pass the collection plate round three times at different points of the service. And then at the reception the vicar was the first one at the bar and was handing over twenty-pound notes.
I then looked up videos on how to top up screen wash on Skoda Fabias. The screen wash hasn’t been flowing quite as freely as it might in my car. I’ve never topped it up; topping up screen wash has always happened in the garage at services up until now.
It looked straightforward on the video so I got dressed…
Having spent a week fretting and worrying about topping up the screenwash it was a really simple thing to do, and was all over in less than two minutes. I was surprised at how little screenwash the thing took. Flushed with success I cleaned the windscreen wiper blades and washed the dog nose art off the back windscreen. Go me.
“er indoors TM had an errand to run in Canterbury, and with errand run we took a circuitous route home via Holly Hill. The dogs needed a walk… There is a small series of geocaches there leading the Hunters of Tupperware on a circular walk from a small car park up to a derelict tower and back again. Usually we would want a much longer walk but for a short outing for the dogs on a very windy afternoon, this was ideal.
I took a few photos whilst we were out.
Also whilst we were out I had another friend request on Facebook from what looked to be the sort of lady that my mum warned me about.
We came home following what the sat nav said was the fastest route. Sat navs seem to think that you can do the national speed limit down the narrowest of country lanes.
Once home the dogs had their paws and bellies washed, “er indoors TM put on a DVD (how old skool!) and I started reading my Kindle.
I woke up two hours later to the sound of not-so-nice-next-door playing her piano. Mostly she clangs away playing frankly dreadful attempts at scales, but just occasionally she plays a half-decent tune. Very rarely, but she managed to do so for five minutes this evening.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit of dinner which we washed down with a bottle of Sainsbury’s Merlot, and then I scoffed some of the leftover Christmas cheese and biccies. The dogs sat with me for cheesy biccies, and on the very moment we had the last biccie they went straight back to “er indoors TM.
They make no secret as to who their favourite is.
Yesterday was dull; today was rather better.

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