17 January 2024 (Wednesday) - Before the Night Shift

With no need to be up early I had the chance of a lie-in this morning. “er indoors TM had got up without disturbing us. Sadly at eight o’clock Treacle decided I should get up and stomped to and fro over my head until I got up.
I made toast and had a look at the Internet. It was still there. Facebook invited me to follow the page of Ben Everitt. No? – I’d never heard of him either. Apparently he is the Conservative MP for Milton Kenyes north and his political stance is “Vote for me – I’m not as bad as the Labour lot”. Sadly this is pretty much the stance of many of our politicians both locally and nationally. They don’t have any policies of their own; just point out the failings of everyone else.
I had an email from the co-op. They are changing how their card works. Rather than building up loads of money in my account with them, I’ll now get money off whenever I wield my card when I buy stuff. Over the years I’ve built up just under four quid credit which I’ve got to redeem by the end of the year. That’s better than a poke up the bum with a sharp stick, isn’t it?
Not much else had happened on-line so I got ready for the morning’s walk. I took the dogs up to Kings Wood. We met quite a few people as we walked despite the car park being perhaps the emptiest I’ve ever seen it. We had a really good walk; I’d left the bathroom set up with towels and dog shampoo ready for seriously filthy dogs on our return, but we arrived to find all the mud was frozen and only starting to melt as we came back to the car. As we walked we met a horse and a land rover; the pups came straight back to me at the sound of the whistle.
We came home, and as clean dogs curled up and went to sleep I emptied the garden waste bin of the bottles and cans that passers-by had dropped into it. Why drop stuff in the garden waste bin? Why not pop it in the recycling bin? I then harvested a bumper crop of dog turds from the back garden, emptied ice from all the buckets laying round the garden (before it becomes smelly stagnant water in a month or so) and trod dog shit into the new doormat that “er indoors TM bought when she went shopping yesterday.
I popped up the road to the corner shop to get some pastries and fed her one with a cup of coffee in a thinly veiled attempt to placate her. Bearing in mind if it was my new mat caked in dung I would have laid an egg, I think I got away with it rather well.
I have a theory that I might put a small fence and gate across the bottom of the garden restricting dogs to paved areas when they go out unsupervised. It would make harvesting dung easier in that I could see them; at the moment turds engage “stealth mode” on the lawn and in the shingle.
As I scoffed my croissant and coffee I wrote up some CPD; I seem to do that after a walk and before an afternoon in bed. And with CPD written up and coffee and croissant scoffed I took myself off to bed for the afternoon.
Hopefully “er indoors TM will boil up dinner and then I will complete the rest of the ritual. Every day before the night shift follows a routine. Bit of a lie-in, extended dog walk, bit of gardening, write up CPD, afternoon in bed, early dinner, Sainsburys and work.
Just dinner, Sainsbury’s and work to do…

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