14 November 2012 (Wednesday) - Walkies

In my life hobbies and crazes come and go. At the moment hunting for tupperware is all the rage. A year ago I was mad-keen on dieting. In retrospect being focussed on dieting had made me far more aware of what I stuff down my neck. I no longer religiously document every single thing that I eat, but I am far more sensible about what I eat. And I weigh myself regularly as well. This morning I found I'd lost another pound since the last weigh-in. Possibly due to the amount of walks that Fudge has been getting lately.
Talking of which he did seem a little better this morning. We'd left his tea down overnight in case he got hungry, and he'd eaten some of it. Not much, but some.

The front door bammed open - "Daddies Little Angel TM" and Sid had come to visit. I'd not seen her since I started growing the face fungus. She wasn't impressed, for all that I've been told that the new look suits me.
She sorted out Sid's breekkie - watching Sid eat his breakfast encouraged Fudge to eat some, and then we took both dogs for a walk. Through Viccy Park, round by Singleton Lake, through Great Chart, up to the Environment Centre, and then home. It was a good bright day, and we were out for a couple off hours. Both dogs seemed to like the outing, and played together very well.
We came home, and I spent a little while tidying the garden. It's rather a sorry sight at the moment. And then it was lunch time. Only toast, but I was able to feed the crusts to Fudge. Normally I don't feed him my food, but it was good to see him eating.

"Daddies Little Angel TM" then set off for an hour to see her mates, so I did some dull chores. In between chores I had a little look on Facebook. An interesting development in one of the geocaching groups. In the past I've blogged about the need for kite fliers to have public liability insurance. It would seem that geocachers need such insurance too. Folkestone council have refused permission for geocaches to be hidden on their land unless the cache owner had public liability insurance.
If anyone hurts themselves looking for a cache that I've hidden am I liable? Should I add disclaimers to all of the caches that I've hidden? If nothing else, this is a sad sign of our times.

As "er indoors TM" went out for the evening I settled in front of the telly to catch up with stuff I'd put onto he SkyPlus box, and Fudge was promptly sick again...

The sponsorship for my chops is moving on apace, for which I am grateful. If any of my loyal readers would like to give a bit, there is still time. As always you might like to click here, and give whatever you can spare.
In just over two weeks I can shave the thing off. Those three weeks can't go quick enough...

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