6 November 2012 (Tuesdaay) - Golf

I slept surprisingly well last night, nor waking in the night, and staying in my pit until gone 8am. That very rarely happens. The face fur was really itching this morning. It was around the neck which itched the most, so I got pruning. I'm not sure it's a good idea, but the shape of the mutton chops is now there; it just needs to grow some more. Which my loyal readers could help with if they were to get sponsoring the thing.

I put some laundry into the washing machine and took Fudge for a little walk. Through the park to have a third go for a geocache I failed to find twice previously. I found it this time. And then on to another cache on the other side of the town. Whilst it passed an hour or so, solo caching was rather lonely.
In retrospect most of the hobbies I seem to take up are taken up for the social aspect far more than for the hobby itself.
Whilst out my mobile rang. An employment agency with a possible job opening. I am trying not to get my hopes up, but it would be exactly the job I want to do.

Home, where I ironed some shirts and sorted my undercrcakers. Never a dull moment. And with undercrackers sorted I went round to collect "My Boy TM" and we went to the driving range for an hour's whacking golf balls about. I can hit a golf ball maybe a quarter of the distance that "My Boy TM" can clout them, but today was only my third attempt. Actually making contact with the ball takes some doing. But I shall get there eventually.

Being Tuesday the clans gathered. After listening to the AHBS show we watched "Merlin". The show hs promise, but there is a definite theme to the program. I cannot help but wonder which of the leading characters will be taken ill next week...

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