Morgan woke me in the night as he jumped off the bed,
but “er
indoors TM” chased after him.
Having been woken I just lay there until five o'clock when I gave up trying to
sleep and got up. Having set an alarm meant I wouldn't get much sleep.
I made toast and watched more "Beef".
It's an oddly captivating story. There wasn't much happening on Facebook
at six o'clock so once I'd scraped the ice from the car I set off to
work. I went via the co-op where I got their meal deal and some other
odds and ends. Sadly either the woman on the till, or the till itself was a bit
special. I had to pay for the stuff in the meal deal first, get the change and
then bag it all up *then* buy the second load of stuff in an entirely
separate transaction.
What was that all about.
As I came out of the co-op so another special chap
arrived. He had one of those cars with a deliberately noisy exhaust. He didn't
so much park it as abandon it in the middle of the car park, and got out of the
car shouting a running commentary of his life to whoever might be listening.
I'm sure the locals loved that at half past six in the morning.
As I drove to work the pundits on the radio were
talking about how American government officials had texted all sorts of confidential information
to a journalist. Sadly that's just the sort of thing the world seems to expect from
America at the moment. Foa all that everyone seems to laugh at the "Make
America Great Again" thing, the sentiment is spot-on. It's just being
pursued by entirely the wrong people.
And there was talk about Morrisons closing stores and cafes. This isn't surprising
really. We have razor blades, toilet roll and dog food delivered as Amazon is
cheaper than any supermarket.
I got to work for the early shift and cracked on. I
had hoped a day at work might be something of a rest for my back; it wasn't. I
really should have phoned in sick and put my feet up. But an early start made
for an early finish.
I came home and ran round the garden with the watering
can. The garden does look better after a week’s work on it.
“er indoors TM” boiled up a
rather good pasta bake which we scoffed whilst watching the semi-final of “Throw
Down”. The one I thought would be going home turned out to be potter of the
These days I do feel that a day at work is rather
unproductive… and dull.
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