23 March 2025 (Sunday) - Still Got Backache

I was rather late to bed last night, and slept through till eight o’clock this morning. I woke to the sound of Morgan jumping off the bed. That is a wake-up call; he don’t hang about in the morning…
Perhaps I do him a disservice… but he can be a pain in the glass. If I take my time before getting up and chasing after him and he gets to the back door before me, there will be a pile of turds by the time I get there. If I leap up and come downstairs with him and get to the door before him, it’s a different story. He pootles round the garden, sniffing everything and anything, and often goes back to bed without doing anything.
I put my watch on. It can be rather sarcastic at times. As I put it on this morning it told me that I have activity goals, and asked if today was the day I would meet them. Bearing in mind that it unilaterally told me that my step count goal was six thousand steps per day and that up till yesterday I’d done over twelve thousand steps a day for over a week I thought it was being a tad out of order.
I had a little look at the Internet. It was still there. People had been enjoying the decent weather yesterday and had been posting photos of what they had been up to. I like that as I’m nosey. There was consternation being expressed about the cost of eating out on some of the local pages. There’s a pub in Folkestone charging a fiver for a portion of peas. We go out for a meal with friends every couple of months and the bill comes in at the thick end of two hundred quid. Pubs ain’t a cheap option.
I munzed, got Wordle on the fifth attempt (dopey) and got ready for the day.
There was a knock on the door. A little while ago a group of us would meet up once a month in the town centre for brekkie. But I could never hear a word that was said in the place as the background was too noisy and the place echoed. Having worked out that everyone could eat at home cheaper than it would cost for just me to go to the café we decided to reinstate monthly meet-ups, but have them at home. And that’s what we did today. Five of us had a rather good full English brekkie, and put the world to rights.
We then took the dogs for a little outing. A little wander round the church at Appledore getting clues to find a nearby geocache. Finding it gave us a geo-souvenir.
As we walked back to the car we walked past an antique shop. I liked the look of a planter in the window… but not the price. And the more I looked the more overpriced I saw everything was.  
We did have a plan to have a crafty half on the way home. We stopped off at the Old Dairy taproom. There was very limited space, and as what I can only describe as the family from hell marched in I decided I didn’t fancy staying.
Our journey home would take us past the local CAMRA pub of the year. We had a look. One end was a posh restaurant, the other had several people standing round a pool table swearing. We didn’t stay there either. 
We came home a little earlier than we might have done. “er indoors TM and the dogs had a little sleep. I wrote up some CPD. Dull but necessary.
“er indoors TM found the lamb I had in the freezer for plov, and boiled it into a rather good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching more “Throw Down”.
My back still hurts, and I’m not feeling quite the full one hundred per cent. I hope I’m not sickening for something.

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