18 March 2025 (Tuesday) - At The Dog Dentist

I ached again when I got up this morning. I’ve been overdoing it a bit lately with all this garden nonsense.
I made toast and had a look at the Internet. It was still there, and much the same as ever. No one was really doing very much on Facebook, which was a shame. A new geocache had appeared on the map – this one in Biddenden. It involved solving a puzzle, and I’d soon solved it. I thought about chasing after a First to Find, but someone else had already found it two minutes before I saw the thing. Ho hum…
I munzed and wordled, and sparked up my chess app. Overnight “Daddies’ Little Angel TM had been attempting to advance her rook, so I countered with a horsey, and then took the dogs out.
As we drove to the woods so the pundits on the radio were interviewing Adrian Edmonson about his radio play “Waiting for Waiting for Godot”. He didn’t really sell it very well.
We got to the woods and had a rather good walk. We saw the Dalmatian we saw the other day; the woman with the dog was as strange as ever; again marching deep into a thicket to avoid us, and then coming out once we’d passed. All the dogs ate horse poo, and we saw a herd of deer. As we walked so we saw a rather morose looking pair, and their dog ran up to us. Said dog had a dead squirrel in its mouth and looked very pleased about it. Needless to say my three all wanted a go with the dead squirrel, and weren’t happy that the other dog wouldn’t share.
We came home via the Sainsbury’s petrol station where the usually miserable old bat was quite chirpy. She’s usually got a face like a smacked bum at six o’clock, but was a different person at eleven.
Perhaps she’s not a morning person?
I made a cuppa, then cracked on in the garden. I mowed the lawn and had a tidy-up of the smaller gravelled area. It does look a bit better, but was hard work. I’ve hoiked out several little garden ornaments; I shall get the big pressure-washer out later in the week and see if they scrub up any good. Somehow I doubt they will, but I need to get the big pressure-washer out anyway.
I had a hot cross bun for lunch, then took Bailey out. First of all we went to the garden centre where I had a look at the water features. They were offering last year’s models at rock-bottom prices… Rock-bottom prices being about double what Amazon were charging. From there I took Bailey to the Doggy Dentist. I took Treacle the other day and we had a really good session. Today’s didn’t go quite as well. If Treacle’s behaviour had been nine out of ten, I think it’s fair to say that Bailey scored minus three. She wriggled and struggled. The doggy dentist did a good job, but there’s still quite a bit of cleaning to be done on the inside surfaces of her teeth. We’ve got another appointment in three months’ time. I’m taking the fact that she’s allowed back as something of a result. In the meantime we’ve got homework – we’ve got to get her used to having her mouth mauled about.
We came home for a cuppa. I got more paint onto the gnomes, and then I had a video call. On Sunday when I was in the garden centre some chap was offering cheap rate leccie and gas. I’m up for cheap rate anything so I made an appointment. He wanted me to have the figures together of what I was currently paying…
I won’t say he was selling a scam, but he was pushing a strange arrangement where I would get leccie, gas, broadband, mobile, credit card, house and contents insurance all through the one company. The savings he promised would all come through cashbacks on the credit card. Personally I’m not keen on having everything through the one company; if I have the arse with one (like the buildings insurance!!!) I don’t want to have to cancel everything.
As “er indoors TM boiled up dinner I watched “Ancient Aliens: The Ultimate Evidence” on the history channel. Have you ever watched the show? There was absolutely no evidence whatsoever; ultimate or otherwise. Instead, several feeble-minded simpletons attributed everything they don’t understand to aliens.
Give it a go – it is hilarious… up to the moment when you realise that there really are people who believe this rubbish and these people are allowed to vote and do jury service.

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