I slept like a log last night. I’ve been sleeping rather
better lately. I got up at about eight o’clock and stepped on the scales. I’ve
lost four pounds over this last week. I don’t think I’ve made a lot of mention
on social media about this current diet, but as I scoffed toast so my Facebook
feed was filled with adverts for weight loss medication.
“er indoors TM” set off to work.
Seeing the forecast rain hadn’t happened I took a chance and took the dogs to
the woods. We went to the lower car park and walked the third of the series of
geocaches I’ve got planned. “Treacle’s Trek” took us along the southern
edge of Kings Wood and was quite muddy in parts. As we walked along the edge of
the woods there were pheasants everywhere, which stressed the dogs quite a bit.
As we walked we met a few other dog walkers. One chap was having troubles.
Having jogged past with his dog, two minutes later we caught up with him with
his dog on a lead being marched out of a thicket. He commented on how my three
managed off the lead. Apparently when his dog is off the lead it finds a dead
animal every hundred yards.
Ironically five minutes later I pulled a small bone out of
Morgan’s mouth.
The other two series of geocaches I’m planning came in at
almost exactly six miles. Today’s did too, but for some reason it seemed less.
We came home for a serious go in the shower. All three dogs
were filthy, and Morgan in particular was covered in fox poo. What is the
attraction of that stuff?
I warmed up a couple of leftover sausages from last night
and scoffed them with a bag of crisps for dinner. As I scoffed I watched the
new “Star Trek: Section 31” film. It was crap. It had been made by
someone who had looked up Star Trek on Wikipedia so that they could bung in a
few of the things that have appeared in the past. But rather than looking it up
on Wikipedia, they should have actually watched the show. The attraction of
Star Trek is likeable characters. I didn’t warm to any of the characters in the
film, and I was counting the minutes until it finally ended.
I then spent a little while working on the notes I’d made
whilst going our little walk this morning. Updating co-ordinates and location
descriptions and glaring errors in the Wherigo I tested. And as the dogs
continued to snore I munzed and got Wordle on the fourth attempt.
And as I’d been sitting still for a while I checked my
blood pressure. Noticeable down on a week ago, but still far too high.
“er indoors TM” boiled up bacon,
eggs and hash browns which had far fewer calories than you might imagine. She
then went bowling, and I watched an episode of “Poldark”. We’re into
season three and there are far fewer bosoms heaving than I remember their being.
I shall write more Wherigo until “er indoors TM” comes
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