3 September 2024 (Tuesday) - Hurt Our Leg

Facebook presented me with a memory today. Six years ago today I sailed out into the Thames estuary and did a couple of geocaches out at sea. To get to the geocache on the Red Sands seas fort you need to sail out with the official tour guide. I chartered the boat which cost me a small fortune, then sold tickets to recoup my losses. But I didn’t sell tickets to just anyone; it was to a select group of friends.
One thing which stuck in my mind about the trip was the amount of bad feeling it caused. On the lead up to the trip word got round about what was happening, and I lost count of the amount of strangers who contacted me to tell me they were coming, and who got rather aggressive when I told them they weren’t. There were also a lot of people I’d never met who told me how I should advertise future trips so that the likes of them wouldn’t miss out. I replied to all in the same way. I told them it was a private booking for a select group, and I sent them the details so that they could book their own trip. And in the intervening six years not one of them has done that. There was a group of Germans who booked the boat last year, but other than that, no one has made a group booking.
I got the leads on to the dogs and we set off for our morning adventure. Not having that much time today we drove down to Orlestone where we had our walk.
There wasn’t any other cars in the car park when we arrived, and we didn’t see anyone at all as we walked. As we posed for a photo so I could hear a crashing in the bushes behind me. Fortunately the bushes were higher than the dogs’ heads, but I *think* I saw deer running off.
As all the dogs ran off chasing shadows Treacle suddenly stopped. I caught up to her to find she was standing holding her front left paw up. I couldn’t see anything wrong with it, but she limped on and off all the way back to the car. She flatly refused to jump into the boot, and I had to lift her out when we got home. Has she strained it?
We came home where I washed the fox poo off of Morgan and Bailey. We had a cuppa and a rock cake, and I set off to the local hospital. I got there and eventually found a parking space. Sadly everyone else had parked rather stupidly, but I managed to wedge my car in to the last spot.
I went in, booked in, and I got in to see the surgeon ten minutes early. I rather like the chap; he is always cheerful and happy and inspires confidence. He asked how I was, and shoved an endoscope up my nose. Firstly up the left nostril to show me what that looked like. Then up the right nostril where we saw a gaping void where he’d carved out the papilloma. At the moment there is no sign of it, but I’ve had three follow-ups before where it seemed to be gone.
He’s suggested I go back in a year’s time for another look-see.
I came home via the petrol station where my idiot magnet did its trick. There was only one person on the till; the miserable cantankerous one with whom I’ve had run-ins previously. She was quite obviously getting more and more wound up by some dopey woman who wanted a packet of cigarettes for her husband. She didn’t want the cheapest or the most expensive and kept turning down whatever brand was suggested. She thought it was hilarious that she’d been sent to get cigarettes but had no idea what ones she wanted, and when someone else in the queue had a word the woman’s reaction was amazing. She turned round, saw the epic queue, and flatly refused to believe that the length of the queue was anything to do with her farting about.
Once home I had a fiddle with my blog archive - it had lost some of the piccies. And then I had a go at a puzzle geocache I’ve been struggling with for years. The puzzle is just random strings of numbers which meant absolutely nothing to me until I read the instructions. The instructions said I needed a particular ordnance survey map and a roamer. Had I read the instructions in the first place I might have got a First to Find on this six years ago.
I then spent much of the afternoon struggling with an on-line jigsaw puzzle for geo-reasons.
With thunderstorms forecast for tomorrow evening we had our seaside walk today. Even though the weather looked a tad iffy. We went down to Folkestone Leas, but didn’t go very far. Treacle was still limping.
She’s not crying or worrying her leg, but she’s not steady on it. If it doesn’t improve she’s going to the vet.

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