10 March 2023 (Friday) - Bit Dull Really


Morgan had a restless night; stomping over me and enthusiastically chewing my ear several times in the night. Apparently he had “er indoors TM take him downstairs (for no reason) a few times too. He seems to wake in the night, crave attention, then go back to sleep.
Who'd have dogs?
I made toast, and put that non-mouldy jam on it. The jam wasn't the best I've ever had.
As I munched it I watched an episode of "Downton Abbey" in which Lady Mary was looking set to pork the Honourable Evelyn Napier; the mate of the Turkish attaché that she'd porked to death a couple of seasons ago. If the chap had any sense, he would have run.
Pausing only briefly to cap two tree houses (it’s a Munzee thing) I set off to work. As I drove the pundits on the radio were all a-twitter about today's summit meeting between (this week's) Prime Minister and the French Premier. The French have got all sorts of issues they want to discuss; the British just want to stop the armada of small boats brining illegal immigrants. There was an interview with the French Ambassador to somewhere or other who pointed out that  the EU once had a problem in that there are thousands upon thousands of refugees who want to get to the UK. When the UK was part of the European Union it was a shared problem. When the UK left the European Union it was no longer the EU's problem.
The summit meeting ended with the UK giving France half a billion quid to do what the French used to do for free when the UK was part of the EU…
Did no one else see this one coming?
Work was work; I spent a rather good day teaching the intricacies of the microscopical examination of blood... and was just a tad cheeky on the tea breaks too. During one of the tea breaks I had a message through Facebook. The owners of the field in which we hold dog club are getting a tad worried about the whole tangled matter of insurance. As well they might... It was insurance which effectively killed off the kite festivals in Teston. If I want to hold a geocaching event in Viccie Park I've got to have five million quid's worth of liability insurance. I expect the owners of the Dog Club field have realised that if I go home from dog club and bite my own ankle rather vigorously, then it is their word against mine as to where the bite came from.
The organisers of Dog Club have (understandably) asked for money toward insurance. I'm quite happy to pay up... Mind you I *say* I'm happy to pay up. I wonder how much it will cost?
I came home, and before too much longer er indoors TM came home. She’d been babysitting Darcie Waa Waa TM today. She then boiled up a very good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching tonight’s episode of “Star Trek: Picard”. It wasn’t bad, I suppose…

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