18 April 2019 (Thursday) - Crap Thursday

On Monday I struggled a concrete slab into place to support the posh pond filter. It was rather heavy and I think I knacked my back doing it. So I probably didn’t help matters by doing a couple of hours of rather strenuous gardening yesterday. I ached somewhat this morning.

All three dogs were asleep as I made my toast this morning. Probably just as well as there was someone in the front garden. The chap from the dustbin-men company who walks the streets picking the litter was in the front garden gathering up rubbish (it accumulates from the street). That was good of him, but it made me think. I wonder if the bin men have changed their insurance company? I’ve been told many times that I have to leave bins out on the pavement for them as they aren’t insured to set foot in my garden, but clearly today one of them was in there. Perhaps they are now insured by the same people who do postmen, milkmen, paper boys and those people who shove adverts for kebabs through the letterbox?

Fudge came and sat with me as I scoffed my toast and peered into the murky depths of the Internet. Facebook told me that someone with whom I (apparently) went to school was having a birthday today. I added him to my friends list when he sent a friend request, but I can’t say I remember him. Mind you with over a hundred of us in the same year at school I suspect there’s quite a few I don’t remember.

As I took the dogs out for our morning constitutional I saw that "er indoors TM" was watching “fixing knacked bath taps” videos on You-Tube. She did a sterling job on the chod-bin a while back, so here’s hoping.
We walked our usual circuit of Bowen’s field, the park and home through the co-op field. As we went we had no fights, we met no passing loonies. Only one squirrel got chased and (unlike yesterday) no one came home covered in seagull shit. As I told the world via Facebook earlier, in my life that's a result.
Another result was Pogo. Having tried so many different things with him, “sit” seems to be working. He has to sit to have his lead put on and off, and before crossing the road, and we sit about every hundred yards as well (for fussing). He seems to be getting used to sitting regularly – he seems to like the attention. On four different occasions today we met other dogs that he would usually bark at, but today he sat as I fussed him. He watched the dogs go past but didn’t bark and snarl like he so often does. I’m looking on this as something of a minor victory.

I settled the dogs (I say "I settled the dogs" - they were already all fast asleep) and went off to find my car. It turned up eventually - it was where I'd left it. As I drove off to work "Women's Hour" was banging on about how much women love playing football. I listened for five minutes, then turned it off.

I thought I might have a little geo-adventure on my way to work. There were two geocaches near Faversham that hadn't been found for over a year. I thought I might go for a resuscitation. I got to Faversham and discovered why they hadn't been found for over a year - both weren't there. I suggested that the geo-feds might like to archive the listings, then went for another resuscitation on the way from Faversham to work. This one involved solving a puzzle and I didn't find this one either. I wonder if I didn't solve the puzzle properly?

I went in to work and pigged out on chili and rice followed by jam roly-poly with custard, and gave myself a guts ache that lasted for the entirety of a very busy late shift.
And talking of guts ache I came home to find that with "er indoors TM" off out the dogs had again eaten that which they shouldn’t. And once I’d cleaned up I had a bath… only to find that the plug hole was blocked with dog hair…

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