9 March 2023 (Thursday) - The Jam Wasn't Mouldy

A few weeks ago we went for a little walk round the Bluebell Hill area when I wrote “As we walked we found a little stall selling jam for a greyhound charity, so I got some. Perhaps I paid too much, but it was all for a good cause”. I opened that jam this morning and found it was covered with a layer of mould.
I had marmalade (from Sainsburys as God intended!) on my toast this morning as I watched an episode of Downton Abbey in which Mr Tom finally succumbed to Edna’s wiles. Men do that given half a chance; generally they are beasts.
I set off to work through a rather dismal morning. As I drove the pundits on the radio were talking about an extreme weather warning (for snow) having been issued by the Highways Authority. Consternation was being expressed by the Highways Authority because they felt that if they didn't issue a warning because of the threatened snow then they would be in line for endless criticism when people found themselves stuck in snowdrifts. However they also felt they might equally well get loads of stick from people who'd stayed at home because of their warnings only to find no snow at all.
There was an interview with a professional weather forecaster who all but admitted that they made it up as they went along. Apparently the difference between snow and rain is a fraction of a degree's difference in temperature, and it is anyone's guess what way it might go.
Time to finally admit they can't do it, perhaps?
There was also talk about the cost of child care. It was claimed that it costs close on fifteen thousand quid a year to put an under-two child into nursery care. Am I being ridiculously old fashioned in wondering why people have children only to unload them on to someone else at the earliest opportunity?
I got to work and had a message from “er indoors TM. What I thought had been mould in the jam was actually greaseproof paper. Apparently jam that doesn't come from Sainsburys has a bit of greaseproof  paper on top of it.
One lives and learns.
I did my bit at work on a rather busy day, but being on an early was a result; I got to get home before it got dark. I walked the dogs round the block. They were amazingly well behaved. And then we all snuggled on the sofa and watched more “Downton Abbey” in which Edna got her much-deserved comeuppance (the hussy!).
“er indoors TM came home and boiled up a rather good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching last Sunday’s episode of “Lego Masters: Australia”. It seemed rather odd not to be watching it on a Sunday evening, but what with night shift, bowling, late shift and O2 arena this was the first chance we got.
I was glad we got to watch Lego Masters this evening; it brightened up an otherwise dull day.

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