25 March 2023 (Saturday) - Early Shift

With no dog noses going up my bum in the small hours I slept well. I had another Slimfast shake for brekkie as I watched an episode of "Downton Abbey" in which Lady Mary (presumably not the one with the canary) was attempting to dig the dirt on Lady Edith. It made for entertaining viewing before I had to set off to work.
As I drove up the motorway there was some article on the radio about the joys of walking a dog. Regular readers of this drivel may have picked up the idea that I quite like walking dogs, but walking dogs is something that you do. It doesn't really make for good radio. This was followed by some utter drivel on shellfish farming in which someone  or other was getting very excited about which specific species of oyster was lurking in what he saw as his personal bit of the sea. I turned the radio off and sang along to Ivor Biggun songs as I drove to work.
Work was work. I started off in something of a major sulk about missing dog club.  “er indoors TM took the dogs along. They had a good time even if Morgan did roll in bird poo, but on the way home one of them (presumably Bailey) threw up half digested dog poo into the boot of “er indoors TM's new car. She's been talking about getting a boot liner for it; bit late now.
And I sulked as I kept looking out of the window at a non-rainy day. At least if it is raining outside I don't feel I am missing *too* much by working.
I always say I don't mind working at the weekends, but I think I do mind. Back in the day I used to work maybe one weekend per month. For the foreseeable future I have one weekend off per month.
I came home, and updated the co-ordinates on one of the puzzle caches that I put out in Kings Wood a couple of weeks ago. One or two people had told me they’d struggled with it. Kim was there today and told me the co-ords I’d supplied were quite wrong. I’ve updated with the ones she sent me.
GPS units are like that… no matter how carefully you measure the location’s co-ordinates, sometimes they just go squafty.
I then spent a couple of hours programming what will probably be about two minutes of game play in my next Wherigo project, then turned the telly on.
As “er indoors TM did her jigsaw puzzle so I watched an episode of “Ancient Aliens” on the History Channel. Have you ever watched that show? I hesitate to say that it is made by and for the feeble minded, but…
Imagine that you were able to cross interstellar distances and visit strange new worlds. What would you do when you got there? Watch quietly? Say hello to the locals? Or make strange pattern in the crops?
“er indoors TM then popped up the kebab shop for a bit of dinner. You can’t beat a kebab…

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