4 March 2023 (Saturday) - Another Busy Day

I was woken as the puppies shoved wet noses into my ear at one o’clock last night. Either “er indoors TM hadn’t been quick enough to catch them coming upstairs, or had decided that (tummy upsets aside) they’ve gone all night with no disasters long enough to be allowed up. Both settled within seconds, and we went back to the old ways of me and three dogs having a quarter of the bed space, and my not daring to move because you aren’t allowed to disturb a sleeping dog (it’s the law!) Mind you I slept reasonably well, so I shouldn’t complain.
I got up and saw that “er indoors TM had covered the bathroom floor in newspaper just in case.
As I scoffed toast I had a look at the Internet. This morning my feed was full of articles about striking nurses.  One of them wound me up. Some well-intentioned person had sent two hundred bags of artisanal coffee to their local hospital. That was very kind of them… but who will get it? I would suggest it will go to the sort of people who have time to regularly check their emails to see that there is a freebie going. I’m reminded of the impromptu parades up and down streets in Hastings during the lock-downs when people shouted how much the loved the NHS, or of when people stood on their doorsteps clapping like demented sea-lions. If anyone *really* wants to help the NHS workers, a well-worded letter to the local MP is the way to go. Sadly that takes a little more effort than making a spur-of-the-moment donation or two minutes’ clapping…  more effort than most are prepared to make.
I sent out a couple of birthday wishes, then being Saturday we went round to the Repton estate and Dog Club. The puppies charged round like mad things playing with everyone and anyone. Treacle sniffed and was sniffed by other dogs, and tolerated the presence of other dogs when they came near to me or “er indoors TM, or joined in with her games of chasing Morgan. For Treacle that was quite a result.
The nice Canadian lady we met in the woods on Thursday came to Dog Club too; having stalked her on Facebook it seems we have friends in common who I know from where I used to work, geocaching and the old Astro club. It’s a small world.
We drove home listening to Steve on the radio who was doing the mystery year competition. I narrowed it down to either 1983 or 1978… it was 1977.
With dogs settled (they sleep soundly after Dog Club!) “er indoors TM went off to craft club and I drove to Hastings… or tried to. The A2070 was closed and the diversion wasn’t helpful. Seeing the signs said the A2070 was closed I made my own route via Kenardington and Appledore and wasn’t *too” late getting to Dad’s house. We cleared out the shed today. It took some clearing.
By the time we’d got done I’d completely forgotten about the A2070 being closed, and didn’t remember until I got to the Brenzett roundabout and found it closed. Like an idiot I followed the official diversion which went about ten miles further than it needed to. All the way to Hythe and then up the motorway.
If nothing else this put me on the right side of town to go to Kwik-Fit. My car’s exhaust has been rattling like a thing possessed every time I hit a bump in the road, and I thought I’d better get it seen to before it fell off. The nice man in Kwik-Fit couldn’t find anything wrong with it, but he did say to go back if the problem persists. Let’s hope it doesn’t.
I came home, woke the dogs, and took them into the garden to do what dogs go into gardens for. I then sat down to spend a couple of minutes working on my next Wheri-project. Four hours later I saw what the time was and packed up.
As “er indoors TM boiled up dinner I watched some telly. “Ancient Aliens” in which it was alleged that pretty much every prehistoric society on Earth had been visited by alien crocodiles from Sirius B. You’d think that alien crocodiles would have better things to do with their time, wouldn’t you?
And with dinner boiled up (it was a rather good dinner!) we watched a film about the meeting od a very young Roald Dahl and a very old Beatrix Potter. It was rather good…
I’ve put a hot water bottle in the bed. Here’s hoping that helps me get to sleep quickly tonight. I might get a couple of hours before the dogs invade…

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