23 March 2023 (Thursday) - Late Shift

I slept like a log last night, and after nine hours asleep I woke to find that “er indoors TM had got home from her gig safely. She had a good time, even if Brighton was a long way to go.
I sparked up the lap-top, cracked open a Slimfast shake and saw that I’d had no less than four friend requests on Facebook overnight.
The first sells “marital toys” for ladies what marry other ladies.
The second is brandishing a whip for no adequately explored reason.
The third seems to have its chest under closer control than most, but features some very unmoral photos on its Facebook page.
The last proclaims (on its Facebook page) “BDSM lifestyle. Message to see if am naughty”, and sports a mouth which appears to be several sizes too big for its head.
I wish they’d go befriend someone whose back is up to that sort of nonsense
Our local MP was also grinning from the laptop’s screen. His Facebook feed is a never-ending succession of his appearing on social media advertising local events, activities and successes. There are those who would say he celebrates local success… there are others who say he never misses a photo opportunity. This morning he was at the launch of a playpark project which cost nearly half a million quid, There was no mention of the locals who were instrumental in getting the project off the ground, but the MP featured prominently. Though I suppose he would on his own Facebook page…
There wasn’t much else happening on-line. The rain forecast for this morning hadn’t happened, and so the weather forecasters had changed the forecast to match reality. Ideally I would have taken the dogs to the woods, but instead I had errands to run.
I settled the dogs and set off.
I set off for Hastings. There was some utter drivel on the radio about the legal system in ancient Greece in which it seemed that there is legal precedent for the nobs to be OK whilst the peasants can suck it. I turned the radio off and sang along to Ivor Biggun songs.
I got to the car park at the shopping centre where there were all sorts of signs about their hi-tec system. They'd read my car's number plate, so I could park up, do what I wanted, and when I went back the machine would tell me how much money I owed it. Personally I prefer the RingGo app, but clearly Hastings doesn’t.
I went to the estate agent who is (hopefully) selling Dad's house, signed bits of paper, and was on my way in a matter of minutes. The drive down from Hastings took me just under an hour; the drive from there to work was about eight miles further but took twice as long; road works (and glorious sunshine!) all the way.
I stopped off in Hawkhurst for geocachical reasons as I was driving past the final location of a puzzle cache, and then stopped off at the farm shop in Hartley (near Cranbrook) to get some lunch. Much the same stuff as Sainsbury's sell; twice the price. Obviously catering to people who like to spend far too much money. Sadly there really are people who like spending far too much money. I once worked with a chap who was adamant that given two items which were identical in absolutely every respect except the price, the more expensive one was clearly the better one.
Work was work… as I worked I had emails from the estate agent. Two viewings today; both thinking Dad’s house is overpriced. One of the viewers said he’d got a better bargain in Teddar Terrace… Teddar Terrace always used to be the rather rough council estate… perhaps we might need to revisit the asking price… But it is the asking price the estate agent recommended.
Mind you it is early days yet…

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