14 March 2023 (Tuesday) - Kings Wood (In The Snow)

I had something of a restless night. Now that the puppies are allowed upstairs at night we’ve got into something of a routine which I would like to change… I go to bed at about eleven o’clock and ask who’s coming up too. I get some “you must be joking; we’re very comfortable here” looks from the sofa, so I go up to bed. About twenty minutes after I fall asleep I’m woken by the most pitiful whimpering from the puppies as they want to come up onto the big bed, but it is too high for them to negotiate the jump in the dark.
I made toast for brekkie, as I scoffed it I peered into the Internet in the desperate hope that something noteworthy had happened overnight… it hadn’t.
Seeing the glorious sunshine I thought about putting washing in and hanging it on the line, but “er indoors TM had done dog brekkie and the pups were keen to go. So as she went off to work I took the dogs out.
As we drove so my phone went potty with loads of geocaches going live… the ones I hid yesterday. I deliberately didn’t mention that we’d been hiding geocaches on yesterday’s diary as in the past fellow hunters of Tupperware have stalked my movements in the desperate hope of getting to a plastic pot that I’d hidden before anyone else could get to it (such is the addictive draw of needing to be first to find!).
There was a dodgy five minutes as we drove past the Towers School; all the children wanting to cross the road just randomly walked into the road wherever they fancied doing so. Not one used the pelican crossing; all just walked into the road and trusted the drivers not to mow them down. When I get a minute I shall set the head teacher an email suggesting that he add the Green Cross Code to the curriculum.
As we drove so the sunshine disappeared. There were specks of rain on the car’s windscreen, but we all needed a walk, so we carried on regardless. We got to the woods, and the first part of our walk was through the trees so we didn’t realise the rain was picking up. When we came to the more open parts of the walk so we got a bit wet… but it was only drizzle.
When we were about as far from the car as we were going to get so the snow started.
I brought home three very wet and muddy dogs. They had a hot shower to warm them up, and they were soon all bundled together on the sofa fast asleep.
I put in the washing that I’d thought about earlier, then having collected in old geocaches yesterday I started cleaning them up; who knows when I might be hiding them again (!) Seeing the drizzle had returned I hung washing over the banister, and put more in. I ironed shirts whilst watching two more episodes of “Downton Abbey” in which (amazingly) no one tried to pork anyone (either with recreational or murderous intent).
And then my phone beeped. The geocaches I’d hidden yesterday were being found for the first time… in the rain? I looked out of the window to see glorious sunshine again. I wondered about going up to the woods and walking in reverse order to meet the finder on his way round… then looked at the dogs sleeping and decided to carry on watching telly.
“er indoors TM was a few minutes late home, She’d been doing Urban Fits (it’s a Munzee thing) and had got our clan up to Level One, and had then gone to the co-op. The co-op were doing bargain deals on steak pies and bundles of vegetables. I like steak pie; can’t say I’m overly keen on the veg though.
Sadly it gave me a bit of a bellyache… and when you’ve got as much belly as I have, that’s a lot to ache.

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