24 March 2023 (Friday) - Telly and News

After an hour or so's sleep last night I was shocked awake as a cold wet nose thrust itself up my bum. Despite being rather tired I didn't really get back off to sleep after that (could you?), and what sleep I did get was soon disturbed by one or other of three rather restless dogs.
I gave up trying to sleep, cracked open a Slimfast shake and watched an episode of "Downton Abbey" in which Lady Edith seemed to be spending her every waking hour gadding about in London (as those who could afford to do so did so a hundred years ago). So much for all the consternation caused by her wanting to be a devoted mother a few episodes ago, eh?
As I watched telly so the bin men made enough noise to wake the dead outside. You'd think they'd have the good grace to bellow up the streets quietly before six o'clock in the morning, wouldn't you?
As I drove to work on a rather bright morning the pundits on the radio were talking about how the rate of inflation is far higher than all the experts feel it should be. Every expert interviewed on the matter had its own solution to the problem, and not one agreed with any other.
And there was major upset in the sporting world when it was announced that "no one who has been through male puberty" will be allowed to compete in world women's athletics events. Is this unfair on the trans community? Perhaps I'm just an old reactionary who is hopelessly out of touch, but I'll (again) make the observation that I identify as a six foot four inches tall chap in his early thirties who is not at all overweight, who has over a million quid in the bank, and has a foot-long nasty.
However (to my mind) my identifying as that changes nothing... I wish I could understand why most people these days think it does. It gets rather tiresome being in a minority of one…
And yesterday I read on Facebook that last night Earth was to be invaded by aliens who were going to abduct eight thousand people and take them to another planet. Sadly there was no news whatsoever about that.
I got to work where I did my thing. During a tea break I capped a tree house (it's a Munzee thing) and reached the dizzy heights of being a Level 121 Munzer. Result(!)
Work was much the same as ever. I don’t dislike the thing, but I was still glad to come home.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit of diet dinner which we scoffed whilst watching this week’s episode of “Star Trek: Picard”. The show is definitely picking up; there were *loads* of snippets for the geeks. I won’t give any spoilers, but if you haven’t watched it yet, watch it with your finger on the “pause” button.

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