17 March 2023 (Friday) - A Funeral

I slept well last night; eventually waking at half past seven with a backache. Leaving “er indoors TM and the dogs snoring I got up, made toast and had a look at the Internet. Facebook had sent me a message saying how what they provide was changing on account of Brexit, but that I wouldn’t notice any change at all.
Isn’t this entirely what is wrong with society today? Obviously loads of people have been fiddling about behind the scenes to make absolutely no difference at all some years later.
There was an impressive squabble on one of the Lego selling pages. Someone or other was selling a huge Lego set via eBay. Others felt it overpriced, However the eBay and PayPal fees and postage costs came to nearly fifty quid… If you buy through a third party things are going to cost more. But the bickering was entertaining to read.
And there was another bitter tirade on one of the crackpot religion sites I follow in which some feeble-minded half-wit had proved the Earth was flat and consequently his god could have anyone else’s god in a fight. Leaving aside the half-baked pseudo-religious rubbish, why do flat-earthers still persist? Why did they ever get a hold in the first place. Go to the seaside and look at the sea-filled horizon. You really can see how the Earth curves by just looking at it.
Seeing the forecast rain hadn’t arrived I took the dogs up to the woods to hide yet another Wherigo geocache. We walked into the woods and did our thing, and (flushed with success) I thought we might find locations for more caches. We stomped off into the woods, and when we were about as far from the car as we were going so the rain started… and got rather heavy. I decided to give up and come home. It was a shame that the most direct route back to the car featured a stomp through mud which was belly-deep on Treacle.
We came home. The dogs got scrubbed, and were soon asleep. “er indoors TM and I quietly slipped out and drove down to the crematorium at Hastings for a funeral. My sister-in-law’s father died a little while ago. Two months ago.
Had he been Catholic or Muslim then the funeral would have been far more prompt. However if you aren’t actively religious then the body can be left laying around for weeks until it gets sorted. Strange that.
I can’t pretend I was particularly close to the deceased. Despite having been to no end of family events where he was present, on reflection I don’t think he ever once actually spoke to me. But we went to show solidarity with the family.
And I had a pint or two afterwards. I slept much of the way home.
Once home we woke the dogs and sorted their dinner. We then watched this week’s episode of “Star Trek; Picard” which wasn’t too shabby really. As I’ve said before it is a shame that following two rather dire seasons the producers waited until the show got cancelled before making it watchable.

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