18 March 2023 (Saturday) - Dog Club, Geo-Meet, Lego


I woke to the sound of one of the dogs getting off the bed and trotting downstairs. Bearing in mind that is how they ask to go to the loo I got up and let Morgan (as it turned out to be) out. He wasn’t keen to go out as it was drizzling, but out he went.
As I was up I got on with my morning. I made toast and scoffed it as I peered into the Internet. It was still there. I rolled my eyes as I saw the flat Earth argument from yesterday was still going on. People who openly admitted they lived hundreds of miles from any coastline (and who had never seen the sea) were demanding that I was wrong in claiming that you can see the curvature of the Earth on the sea’s horizon.
Isn’t the Internet brilliant – you can get into the most petty and bitter of arguments over the most inconsequential and trivial of matters with people you have never met and never will.
I left that Facebook group… it was a weird one anyway.
I had two more dubious friend requests on Facebook. One from someone who I can only describe as “Batman gone wrong”, and one from someone who must be a bit thick. Claiming to be called “Jenet Marry” it has actually used a photo from an Internet model – the model’s name was still on the photo it used.
The rain was showing no sign of letting up, so leaving “er indoors TM and Treacle at home I took the puppies to Dog Club. Attendance was noticeably down because of the rain, but those dogs that were there had a great time (as the humans huddled under trees for shelter). The white dogs who had been to the groomer yesterday rolled in the mud, and both Morgan and Bailey found holes in the fencing and escaped Dog Club; Bailey escaping twice. And on both occasions the escapees had returned to where they were supposed to be by the time I’d got to where they had escaped to.
But it was muddy and wet and cold. Bailey was shivering so we came home five minutes earlier than usual. As we drove home Steve was doing the mystery year contest on the radio. I had it narrowed down to any time between 1977 and 1985 when he mentioned that this was the year that the eleven-part Brideshead Revisited drama series was released. I knew that year – 1981.
With the puppies scrubbed and all dogs settled we had a cuppa and I spent an hour or so working on my next Wheri-project before “er indoors TM and I set off to a pub near Capstone for the monthly geocacher’s meet-up. It was good to catch up with old friends. Back in the day we would meet up every month without fail, but lockdown put paid to our meet-ups. They are slowly catching on again… but so slowly.
Despite having had only half the beer I had yesterday I slept all the way home.
Once home I popped over the road to the shop. As I stood at the counter so two drunk pyjama-clad women came in shouting “alcohol-wine- alcohol-wine“. The woman behind the counter asked if she could help them, and the two piss-heads seemed surprised that the woman behind the counter spoke English.
I got some KFC flavoured crisps which tasted almost (but not entirely) utterly unlike KFC.
As I scoffed (supposedly) KFC flavoured crisps I mad a start on a Lego model – the Bonsai tree I got for a birthday pressie.
There’s no denying I got cross with it. It was rather fiddly and the instructions weren’t at all clear. But now it is done I’m quite pleased with it. The pink and white blossom can be changed for green leaves; I expect I shall change them over at some point.
As I got cross with the Lego so “My Boy TM” and Cheryl arrived with flowers for “er indoors TM for Mother’s Day. It was good to catch up with them. It was a shame that Treacle got rather nasty with Ro-Ro, and I would be intrigued to know just what crimes Lacey had committed; she and Cheryl were having quite the spat on the phone.
Having eaten at the geocacher’s meet-up earlier, we contented ourselves with a bowl of rice pudding for dinner whilst watching “The Great Pottery Throw-Down”.
Today has been a rather busy one…

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