9 October 2022 (Sunday) - The Brick of Doom

I wasn't feeling one hundred per cent when I went to bed last night. I wasn't feeling much better when I got up this morning. But I got up anyway, tiddled the puppies and opened the door to upstairs. They love to spend the last couple of hours of the night on the bed with “er indoors TM. Treacle isn't so keen, but she's slowly warming to the idea. Or (at least) growling less.
I made toast and had a quick look at the Internet. It was still there. Many of the Star Trek related pages were running the latest trailer for season three of Star Trek: Picard.
I won't lie. I thought it looked to be a load of old rubbish. Since Star Trek came back to telly in strength for the most recent time none of it has been what I would call "Star Trek". The original has a certain something about it. Whoever is making the new stuff saw the word "star" in the title, watched several generic sci-fi film and series and made their own show. To be fair to them they have looked up the original on Wikipedia and thrown in a few names from that original to make it look like they are paying attention, but they aren't fooling anyone who was part of the Ashford Star Trek fan club of twenty-odd years ago.
I left home whilst it was still dark. I saw lights on in not-so-nice-next-door. She seems to be up incredibly early most mornings; I wonder why.
I walked seemingly miles to find the car, and set off up the motorway. I've got something of a game I play going up the motorway. I drive at the speed limit of exactly fifty miles per hour (according to my speedo) and see how long it is before I'm tail-ended by a huge lorry which is flashing its lights and blowing its horn. Today's arrived after about eight miles. After I'd beeped my hooter back a couple of times the lorry overtook. This one was French... I've reported the UK ones to their head offices before (and got apologies) but it is a waste of time complaining about the foreign ones. You'd think the police would send unmarked police cars to sort this out, wouldn't you? I expect they don't want  the arse-ache.
I got to work an hour earlier than I needed to be there, drove straight past, and went on for half a mile where there were several Munzees  that hadn't been munzed for over a year. If you munz those ones on a day of the month which is divisible by three you get a hundred points for each.  (Never a dull moment in my world...)
I munzed five of those and stuck out eight new ones of my own. In a year's time they will be worth a hundred points too (!)
Work was work, and with work done I munzed on the way home, and once home I dozed in front of the telly under a pile of dogs whilst “er indoors TM boiled up dinner.
We scoffed it whilst watching the first episode of the new season of “Lego Masters: Australia”. Good stuff, “Lego Masters: Australia” – this season has introduced the Brick of Doom…

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