23 October 2022 (Sunday) - Rainy Day

I slept for over eight hours last night: that was a result. It was a shame that I came downstairs to see it raining outside. Apparently the best of the weekend’s weather happened yesterday when I was working.
I made toast and had my usual look at the Internet. Trivia and squabbles abounded as they do. This morning there was consternation being expressed about the changes to colours of the lids of milk bottles. Have you notices that some supermarkets have white lids on their milk now? It turns out that the coloured lids weren’t recyclable… even though we’ve all been dumping them in the recycle bins for years. A little-known fact is that much the same happed to the labelling of blood for transfusions after the First Gulf War when it turned out that no two countries in the world had the same colour coding for blood groups (don’t say I never learn you nuffink!).
Seeing a lull in the rain I got the dogs onto their leads and took them for a short walk round the block. They were as good as gold with Morgan only pulling intermittently.
I did ponder on revamping the landscaping round the pond and re-arranging the filters, but five minutes after we got home so the torrential rain started. Ho hum.
I filled out more of the paperwork for Dad’s estate. So many forms want to know details of the solicitor dealing with the estate. We’ve not appointed one; I expect that when we sell the house we will need to, but so far there’s been nothing to do other than fill in seemingly endless forms. Forms which can be filled in by one of two methods.
Either by myself (for free) whilst “er indoors TMwatches various comedians on the telly.
Or by a solicitor at over two hundred quid per hour.
I know which option I’m going for.
I wrote up a little CPD, played a little “Human Fall Flat” then spent a while solving geo-puzzles until there was another lull in the rain when I took the dogs round the block again.
After a little walk they settled. We put on posh clothes (relatively) and drove out to Tunbridge Wells for a wedding reception.
Charlotte looked beautiful in her dress, but (so like her!) on seeing her she gave me a little speech about the practicalities of having a tiddle in a wedding dress. Apparently it takes some doing! I caught up with old friends from hunting Tupperware, work, and the old astro club. It was only a shame the music was so loud. Acoustically most pubs are a disaster; you can hardly hear yourself speak above the noise of everyone else. Add to that the disco playing far too loud…
We got home five minutes after the KFC closed. Their loss. I got kebabs and we watched the last episode of Jodie Whittaker playing Doctor Who. I must admit that she’s not been one of the better Doctor Whos, but her last performance was actually one of the better episodes.
Let’s hope the show’s writers have found their way again…

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