20 October 2022 (Thursday) - Before the Night Shift

The plan for the morning was a quick brekkie then to take the dogs to Kings Wood. But the rain was the heaviest I’ve ever seen it, so that plan got abandoned pretty quickly.
I made toast and tried to have a look at the Internet, but sadly the Firefox browser had updated itself overnight, rendering it utterly unusable. This seems to be a feature of pretty much every upgrade I have ever seen on my laptop. I do wish IT people would leave things alone.
Eventually the thing got working; the Internet was much as it ever was. Squabbles and trivia abounded. There was quite a bit of consternation being expressed about road works not a million miles from work in which one bunch of contractors had the road up and were diverting traffic into a road which had been closed by another bunch of contractors. Is there *really* no overall control of the traffic in Kent?
I then spent what seemed to be an age using the bank’s app on my phone to pay two cheques into my account. It was probably easier that going into the bank, but only because the local branch is utterly automated and consequently f… all use to man nor beast (to coin a phrase).
During a lull in the rain I marched the dogs round the block, and then into the garden to do their thing. I was rather disturbed to see that since the weekend the pond level had dropped by about eight inches so I turned the filters off. Having spent about two hundred quid landscaping a new cascade I’m fast coming to the conclusion that the new bit must be the cause of the ongoing water loss.
When I get a minute I shall disassemble it and have a major re-think.
I then settled the dogs and went out for the morning. Inspired by the house down the road I got a few Christmas pressies then drove down the motorway (through torrential rain) to see the Folkestone branch of the tribe. “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” was having a driving lesson and I was on babysitting duty. Much as I love the littluns, I must admit I was a bit nervous about the idea; previous attempts have been rather fraught. But the littluns were as good as gold. “Darcie Waa Waa TM fell fast asleep laying on my chest, and with her on top of me and Pogo curled up next to me, we watched “Stormageddon – Bringer of Destruction TMshowing us how to play the X-Box. He started off with some shoot-em-up game featuring some impractically epically-chested character. After ten minutes of that he brought up the “Goat Simulator” in which “Smashy the Goat” wreaked havoc in a virtual city; I can only describe it as the ungulate version of “Grand Theft Auto”. After that was a few minutes in Minecraft, and we ended up in a rather good game in which we had to puzzle-solve our way through a virtual world.
Must find out what that last game was called…
I came home with a naïve idea of taking the dogs out again, but the rain had come back (with a vengeance), so I fussed them a bit, then took myself off to bed where I dozed fitfully for a couple of hours.  
I was woken by a phone call from someone claiming to be acting on behalf of a bunch of solicitors who were sorting out the gas and leccie bills of Dad’s house. They wanted me to make a final payment of half the amount that I actually paid to British Gas on Monday. They told me they weren’t trying to scam the bereaved… I told them that they would say that, wouldn’t they?
They assure me that they will get back to British Gas and let me know the outcome in writing. I wonder if they will?

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