27 October 2022 (Thursday) - Level Four

Once I’d “done” the puppies this morning I made toast and had a little look at the Internet to see what I’d missed. Being late home last night I hadn’t given it the attention it might have deserved.
Being a very nosey person I had hoped to see the latest news and gossip from friends, colleagues and acquaintances, However my Facebook feed was mostly adverts this morning, many of which were blatant links to website featuring nudey ladies without any clothes on performing quite unhygienic activities. I reported them to the Facebook feds (not that I expect they will do anything).
One of the few adverts not featuring nudey ladies without any clothes on was an advert for a gay Harry Potter website. Apparently Harry Potter should have “got jiggy” with Draco Malfoy and ideally Hermoine would have “done the dirty deed” with Luna Lovegood. I reported that one too.
There was the same post to half a dozen Sparks-related Facebook pages; some woman in Germany had named her cat after Russell Mael and the cat has gone missing. I can imagine that she is distraught, but was that the place to be posting about it? And the rest of the Internet was rather dull.
As I drove to work I found out why I'd seen so many (utterly irrelevant) adverts on Facebook this morning. It would seem that Facebook as a company is only worth a third of what it was worth at the beginning of the year and the value of its shares are plummeting.
It was claimed  that in the past the head honchos of Facebook took on people who knew advertising, but more recently they've preferred to employ IT specialists instead, and consequently the advertisers' money is being wasted... This explains a lot; have you seen Facebook adverts? No matter what the advert, you can click on a "Why am I seeing this advert" and it will tell you who the advertiser is trying to target. Take (for example) adverts I've seen recently for saucy underwear,  for holidays on trains, for crackpot religions, for thingies that scrape the wax from your ears, and for the local theatre. They all have the same two criteria for their target audience; that you are aged between eighteen and sixty-five, and that you live in the UK.
Which is (arguably) why I never see an advert that actually interests me but I'm plagued with adverts featuring schoolgirls brandishing their chests. And why advertisers are taking their money elsewhere.
The pundits on the radio also made an interesting point about our new Prime Minister. In the previous election for leadership of the Conservative party (and by implication Prime Minister), all the candidates said what their policies were, and defended them in debates and in the media. But this didn't happen last week when Liz Truss got the heave-ho. Instead whoever it is that organises elections for leadership of the Conservative party (and by implication Prime Minister) said "who wants to be in charge?" Over the last weekend Penny Mordaunt and Rishi Sunak both replied "yeah - go on then!" and then Penny Mordaunt changed her mind.  With no one else fancying having a go Rishi Sunak got the top job by default, and consequently didn't have to have any actual ideas or policies. Consequently he can do whatever he likes, and no matter what he does he can't be accused of breaking any election promises. Because he didn't make any.
Did I ever mention that democracy isn't all it is cracked up to be?
Work was much the same as ever. I got home before “er indoors TM and took the dogs outside. Some did what was expected of them; some came back inside to do it where it was warm. Once I’d shouted at Morgan I then found a turd (presumably one of his) that “er indoors TM must have missed earlier.
Who’d have dogs.
With nothing defrosted “er indoors TM went foraging for dinner in the general direction of the KFC. We scoffed it whilst watching Tuesday’s episode of “Bake Off”, then “er indoors TM set off to the Outlet. Apparently they are open late tonight and she wants a new coat…
Oh, and our Munzee clan reached Level Four today. That was something of a result; we’ve never got that high before…

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