16 October 2022 (Sunday) - A Lazy Day (?)

As I had my morning ablutions there was uproar in the kitchen as “er indoors TM caught Morgan red-handed (red-pawed?) chewing the new kitchen door. She wasn’t amused; either at Morgan, or at me for laughing.
I had my usual root around the Internet, and was amazed at a comment on a photo of me taken yesterday. Someone who has known me for twenty years said that I never seen to age… I’m not sure if that is good or bad. As time goes on I find the face in the mirror is looking more and more like my grandad.
There were also quite a few photos from last night’s Hastings Bonfire; although the fireworks didn’t go off, the procession and bonfire did, and from photos and comments from friends and family it would seem that it was only pure luck that prevented the Old Town from burning down what with all the flaming embers flying around. Much as I love the bonfire parades (not that I’ve been to one for years), it can only be a matter of time until there’s a very serious accident at one of them.
“er indoors TM  did a rather good fry-up (or “frip” as “My Boy TM” used to call them) for brekkie, and then I got on with what was supposed to be a lazy day. As I was getting stuff out of the shed ready to sort the garden so we noticed that the shed fridge wasn’t working again. Changing the fuse inside (where the cable to the outside plugs in) didn’t help, so I had a little look at the cable. Not being able to see anything amiss I got the ladder out and had a look at the bit of cable that went across the flat roof.
Oh dear…
It was in a sorry state; half melted and half chewed. Had a seagull or a rat had a go at it after the really hot summer we had? Whatever the problem, the cable needed replacing. But replacing it wouldn’t be a straightforward job. Short of dismantling the new kitchen we’d have to use some of the existing cable and replace the poggered bit, so I went round to B&Q for some DIY ingredients.
I knew *exactly* what I needed, so I asked the assistant for *exactly* what I needed. He said they’d got the stuff, but he wondered if I would prefer getting a professional electrician to do the job? I said I wouldn’t. He said he preferred only selling electrical things to professional electricians.  Resisting the temptation to point out that I wasn’t as stupid as he clearly was, I asked why they had the stuff on sale to the general public if they weren’t prepared to sell the stuff. He had no answer for that. I suppose I should have told him to stick it and gone to Wickes, but by then I’d wasted quite enough time.
There was another idiot on the tills. Having said a very patronising “namaste” to the Nepalese chap in the queue in front of me, she wasn’t at all happy to get an “all right?” in response.
I came home, unplugged the iffy cable, cut it off where it was still good (and un-melted), connected up ten yards of new cable and stuck on a new socket. Thirty seconds to type; over an hour to do. And flushed with success I repaired the water feature cable that Morgan had chewed through a few weeks ago. That took an hour as well.
I got out the rake and raked up dead leaves, pulled weeds out from between the slabs in the front garden hung the little ornament that used to be on the front of my Dad’s house… After four hours I was knackered.
“er indoors TM wanted to go into town to the craft shop… did I fancy a trip? With the dogs all asleep and nothing else that couldn’t wait, I thought it might be something to do…
I rarely go into Ashford, and again I confirmed that I was missing nothing.
I had hoped to have a look at the Lego in the toy shop, but it was closed. Apparently “The Entertainer” toy shop doesn’t open on a Sundayso staff can spend time with their family and friends”, or so the religious owner says. For all that people have religious reasons for not working on Sundays, no one has religious reasons for not needing the police or the fire brigade or hospitals on Sundays, do they? Do all the staff turn up for all the hours the shop is open working six days every week? Of course they don’t. They work some sort of a rota, don’t they? So why not employ a few more staff and have a rota so that people take turns working on Sundays (like I do)? Mind you, “The Entertainerdoesn’t stock Harry Potter stuff either as this “could attract children towards the occult”…
This is England in the third decade of the twenty-first century; not some banana-republic in the middle-ages… isn’t it?
To console myself I went to the Chili-Time milkshake bar where I treated myself to a Battenburg and Galaxy chocolate milkshake.
We had a look in Macknade as I’d heard so much about it. I’d not been there before… and won’t be going again. It strikes me it is the sort of place that appeals to people who like spending far too much money on stuff you can buy far cheaper elsewhere..
Once home “er indoors TM took Treacle out for a little Munzee session. Bearing in mind the puppies were both fast asleep and I was feeling a tad worn out, she went without us. Within (quite literally) five seconds the puppies were crying. Actually sobbing inconsolably. They would not settle, so after five more minutes I got their leads onto them and we walked in the footsteps of “er indoors TM capping her scatters (it’s a Munzee thing).
I wonder if she noticed.
“er indoors TM boiled up a very good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching more “Lego Masters: Australia”.
Today was supposed to be something of a lazy day… I’m worn out.

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