19 October 2022 (Wednesday) - Phone Calls, Poo...

I watched the last episode of the first season of "Stranger Things" as I set about brekkie; I watched it with an air of "WTF was that all about?" Presumably subsequent series will shed light on WTF that was all about, but for now I haven’t a clue.
I then set off for work just as not-so-nice-next-door was coming out of her house, and so I made a point of fiddling about on the phone whilst I watched her "coming out the door ritual". it is rather comical, really. Every time she comes out of the door it is opened a hair's breadth and she peers through the crack. It is then opened to the extent of the chain holding it whilst she surveys the scene. Once it is clear (without the shadow of a doubt) that there is no axe murderer lurking, she opens the door properly, but still has a serious look around before she sets foot outside of the house. She then steps out of the house as quick as lightening and the door is locked behind her (quite literally) in less than two seconds of her coming out.
Her husband (who hasn't been seen for years) used to do exactly the same. He also used to comment about having roses growing up the back fences to keep intruders out; I sometimes wonder if they were moved to Ashford (all those years ago) under some police witness protection scheme. Why else would they be so paranoid? Just who do they think wants to get in their house?
As I drove to work the pundits on the radio were talking about the rate of inflation which is now running at over ten per cent. There was talk about whether or not the government would honour a promise to increase pension payments in line with inflation, but (so it was claimed) Downing Street currently refuse to discuss any specifics of any policy.
Strange, that (!)
There was then an interview with a Sunderland-based cheesemonger which wasted ten minutes of prime air-time as the fellow mumbled incoherently. Why don't the BBC teach these people how to speak clearly, and into a microphone?
I got to work. It was much the same as ever, but there was a minor episode in the early afternoon when my phone rang. What with all the stuff of Dad's estate needing sorting I had the thing on and thought the phone call might be something to do with that. It wasn't. It was someone claiming to be "Denzil from Currys - PC World" with a bargain for me. Would I like his i-phone or his android phone at a cut-price rate? It had to be one or the other; my not getting a new phone wasn’t an option in his world. But I wasn’t having any of it. I told him I was pleased that he'd called as I had a one-time-only offer for him. Would he like to piss off, or to get knotted? "Denzil" didn't seem to understand this, so I told him that I would put him down for  "piss off", and I blocked his number. I do wish these tele-sales people would leave me alone. I've signed up for all the "cold callers blocked" options, but still they phone up with annoying regularity.
I then had a message from “er indoors TM. She'd taken the dogs for a walk and Bailey (the one who'd eaten all that poop yesterday!) was smothered in fox poo. That was really funny – it is always funny all the time someone else has to sort out the aftermath of a turd-encrusted hound.
I came home… arriving home in the dark. I couldn’t believe my eyes. A hundred yards down the road from my house was a house with its Christmas decorations and lights up. There are over two months to go yet… isn’t this a bit keen? It’s not that I don’t like Christmas, but when it starts this early, but the time Christmas actually happens I’m fed up with it.
“er indoors TM sorted dinner which we scoffed whilst watching yesterday’s “Bake Off”, and then I spent some time fending Bailey off; she wanted to play and was getting very over-excited.
She does that…

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