26 January 2024 (Friday) - Before the Night Shift

I slept like a log, and unlike last night didn’t get up at all during the night. I made toast and tuned in to the Internet as I do where there was quite the squabble happening on Facebook’s “The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” page. Last night someone had asked how Ford Prefect had got his name, and I made the schoolboy error of pointing out the bit of the book where this is explained (towards the start of the very first chapter!). Ford had mistaken the dominant form of life on Earth and seeing motor vehicles everywhere he’d thought that “Ford Prefect” was nicely inconspicuous.
Fifty years later people in America who’d discovered “The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” through the most recent film had the arse because this explanation only made any sense to people who lived in the UK. The fact that it originated on an obscure UK radio channel was neither here nor there.
I find this happening more and more. Particularly with Star Trek and Doctor Who related Facebook pages… people who’ve just discovered something which has been going since before they were born (and who clearly don’t know the first thing about it) are very quick to start arguments about that something; if only to show their ignorance.
Not much else was happening on-line, but our Munzee Clan had reached its target for this month. A result… if sticking bar codes onto lamp posts does it for you.
I got the dogs onto their leads and we set off. As we drove the pundits on the radio were talking about home-schooling children. I can remember having home-schooled children being brought along to cubs back when I was a cub scout leader. They were all the same; the moment their parents left they either stayed at the side of a leader (in stark terror) or physically clung to them (me!). They were utterly unable to interact with the other children in any way at all; flatly refused to join in with any activity that meant they had to deal with the other children, and looked at the other children as though they were dangerous wild animals. In more recent years a friend’s wife did home schooling with her children. One of them did nothing but play tennis all day long. The other hoped to get into college but had the disadvantage that at age sixteen he couldn’t read or write.
We got to Kings Wood and had a rather better walk than we did yesterday. There was mud, but nowhere near as much as there had been in Orlestone Woods. There were quite a few more people, but once away from the car park we walked for over three miles and only met one other group; the young mothers and dogs running group.
With walk walked we came home and went into the bath for paws and bellies to be washed. They were grubby, but we didn’t need the intensive scrubbing we had yesterday. I did a cuppa for me and “er indoors TM”, then wrote up some CPD and enrolled on another coursera course.
Suddenly Treacle went berserk; the postman had dared to deliver a letter. The bank wanted to know what to do with the money left in the account of the reptile club. That club packed up in a particularly vicious argument years ago. I’m not sure how many years ago but there is no mention of it in any previous blog entries so it must have been sometime before September 2006. From what I can remember I thought I’d resigned as Treasurer before the club folded? The nice lady at the bank suggested I filled in the form they’d sent, and we might take it from there…
I went to bed for the afternoon. I woke to find “er indoors TM had gone to collect “Darcie Waa Waa TM. She’s babysitting tonight. So while I waited for mayhem to ensue, I cracked on with the Coursera course I’d signed up to earlier. It’s about “quality management”. For some years this has been the big thing at work… but I’ve always been rather sceptical about it. Maybe I might learn something? I’ve passed the first week with a score of eighty per cent, but I achieved that by remembering certain figures that were given during the (frankly rather dull) video lectures.
I know it is early days for this course, but I enrolled because I’ve always considered “Quality Management” to be a load of blah-blah-blah that gets in the way of doing my job, and for years I’ve been wondering just what I’m missing. I must be missing something.
So far the course has been nothing but blah-blah-blah, and all it is doing is confirming my preconceptions.
So… engaging “reflective mode”. Why do I consider this Quality Management course to be a load of blah-blah-blah? Because there are loads of words and loads of talk and very little practical example of improvement.
Bearing in mind this was an introductory week, the course might perk up. I hope so.
The girls should be home soon; they’ve been in Asda for over half an hour. I’m off to the night shift now. Ideally I wouldn’t have been doing one tonight. Ideally I would have stayed home with the littlun. But there it is. Hospitals never close, and so I have to work at all hours.
If I had my time again I would work somewhere that periodically puts up a “closed” sign.
And in closing, today would have been my Dad’s eighty-eighth birthday.

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