31 July 2023 (Monday) - So Tired


In between doing work last night I re-read old diary entries. On 25 March 2012 I wrote about night shifts" "Best described as hours of boredom interspersed by moments of panic... I've always said that I don't mind night work. I don't, but I really have to qualify that statement. I don't mind the actual night work itself, but I hate spending the day before the night shift sulking at the thought of having to do the night shift. It's never anywhere near as bad as I expect it to be; I just resent the fact the I have work to look forward to. I'd rather get up each morning and go straight to work".
And that really summed up yesterday for me. I really did just pootle about killing time before going to work. And (just as I said) the shift was nowhere near as bad as I expected it to be. But I was still glad when the early shift came in.
As I drove home the pundits on the radio were looking to make an argument with some government spokesman or other. Despite the government’s green targets, there are still plans to use fossil fuels for some years yet. Totally in line with these published plans, the Prime Minister has announced it is far more sensible to use fossil fuels from the North Sea (the supply of which the UK controls) rather than stuff from Russia (which can be and has been turned off at a moment’s notice).
And there was talk of Andrew Malkinson. Having been in prison for seventeen years for a crime he did not commit he was found innocent by the appeal court last week and released. And now he’s been billed for the cost of keeping him inside.
How is that fair?
I got home and went to bed where I slept until the Amazon driver came. Having been happy to leave deliveries on the doorstep for ages, today he made a point of knocking. Loudly.
I needed to get up anyway.
I made a rather late brekkie and had a look at the Internet. It was still there. Two friends had a birthday today – I sent out the birthday video (as I do). Not a lot else was going on so seeing a break in the rain I took the dogs round the block. Ideally a trip to the woods would have been good, but the forecast was rain all day, and we’d come home wet and muddy.
We had a totally uneventful walk round the block, but we did see quite a few grown men pedalling about on children’s bikes. What is it with riding a bike that is far too small for you these days?
With nothing else on the agenda I spent the afternoon doing the ironing, and with that done I sat on the sofa and stared at the telly. “er indoors TM sorted dinner then went bowling, and I carried on staring at the telly.
Sleeping, ironing, telly… As I said I don’t mind the night shift, but the day before it is spent in a sulk, and more and more the day after is spent in a zombie-like stupor as I’m fit for nothing.
Mind you there’s not *too* many night shifts before semi-retirement… I wonder if I can weasel my way out of night shifts when I go part time?

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