20 July 2023 (Thursday) - Feeling Worn Out

Bailey was whinging at three o’clock this morning. I thought she wanted a tiddle so I took her outside. She wanted to go outside, but not for the toilet. She just wanted to play silly beggars (a favourite game of all dogs). After ten minutes she got bored, did the tiddle she could have done straight away, and we all went back to bed.
As I scoffed toast five hours later I had another little fight with the new laptop. For all that it is set to “UK English” it still wants to use US spellings. I wish it wouldn’t.
With rain forecast for late morning I took the dogs up to the woods where we had a good walk following some of the lesser-used paths. The dogs behaved themselves; we only met two other groups and both encounters passed off without incident.
After an hour and a half we were back at the car and soon heading home. Once home rather than stopping for a cuppa I cracked on in the garden. “er indoors TM wanted some plant pots swapping round. It kept me out of mischief for five minutes, then I popped to B&M Bargains to get the dragonfly fence ornaments I forgot to get yesterday. As I drove home so the heavens opened.
Once home seeing I couldn’t crack on in the garden I phoned British Gas to sort out the mess they’d made of my Dad’s gas and leccie bill. Having been told they were sending out a cheque to refund the balance of the account, I never received one. They said they’d cancel that cheque and send a replacement. Eventually a cheque arrived so I paid it in to my account… only to find that what had arrived was the cheque that they had cancelled. After a little to-ing and fro-ing I was asked if I had a “general enquiry”. When I said I had a specific enquiry I was assured I was talking to the right person. Eventually it turned out that when they said “we posted the cheque two weeks ago” what they actually meant was “we will post it next week”. As is always the case with these companies, it would have been so much easier had they employed anyone who actually spoke English. Sadly (so I am reliably informed) asking for someone who speaks English is offensive.
I watched a couple of episodes of “Shameless”, then on seeing that the rain had stopped I bodged a repair to not-so-nice-next-door’s fence then hung the dragonfly ornaments.
“er indoors TM boiled up a very good curry which we scoffed whist watching the latest episode of “Star Trek”.
Having done incredibly little today I’m surprisingly worn out.

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