3 July 2023 (Monday) - So Dull

I went to bed last night feeling all in having spent much of the afternoon and evening falling asleep. I was wide awake at four o’clock this morning. After laying awake for an hour I got up and had a go on our all-new totally functional toilet seat. There is something strangely satisfying about sitting on a toilet seat that stays put rather than spending ten minutes playing what I can only describe as “chodbin buckaroo”.
I made toast, watched an episode of “Shameless” then had a look at the internet. I was probably far too early; not a lot was happening, so I got dressed and set off to work.
I stopped off at Cuckoo Lane. With today being the start of the Munzee Clan War I needed a Qrate or two, and whilst I was at it I deployed a carrot and capped a Qrewzee. There's never a dull moment in the Munzee world, but to the uninitiated it might well have looked just like scanning bar code stickers on lamp posts.
As I drove up the motorway the pundits on the radio were interviewing Miriam Cates (MP for Penistone and Stocksbridge) who is now a leading light in the recently formed "New Conservatives"; a bunch of Tory MPs who have realised that unless they sort themselves out, the Conservatives will be out on their arses at the next election. Trying to win back lost ground they are jumping on the "send them all back where they come from" bandwagon (which is sadly usually a vote-winner), and as part of this they want to stop all visas to anyone coming to work in the care sector in the UK. This woman recognised that there is a chronic shortage of workers in the care sector, but said a combination of raising the wages for care workers and making it less easy for five million people to carry on taking benefits would ease the recruitment issue.
Interestingly she flatly refused to discuss just how much the wages of the care sector might be increased, or how she might get five million people back into the workforce, and didn't come over anywhere near as well as she might have liked to have done on live national radio. Mind you I take my hat off to her. If I was the representative for Penistone (or "Penis Town" as I'm sure it is known) I wouldn't go anywhere near a live microphone.
I got to work and did my bit on what was a rather busy day, then drove home through the rain. And with “er indoors TM off bowling I spent a couple of hours catching up on the ironing. Some days in my life are rather fun. Some are rather tedious…

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