19 April 2024 (Friday) - Rain Stopped Play

After yesterday’s eighteen thousand steps and a lot of heavy lifting in the garden I rather ached this morning.
I made brekkie and had my usual peer into Facebook. There was mild consternation on some of the Rye-based Facebook pages as their Town Crier (an old schoolfriend of mine) had been photographed with a large bottle of water in his trouser pocket, and the photo was getting entirely the wrong sort of publicity.
Seeing the Microsoft and BBC weather forecasts were at odds with each other I took pot luck and took the dogs out anyway. Both forecasts predicted rain; but differed in how soon.
As we drove to the woods Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis were being interviewed on the radio. Their long-running “Now Show” is finally coming to an end, and they were saying how difficult it can be to make a funny current affairs program. With pretty much nothing but the war in Gaza having been in the news for months, and war not being particularly amusing they were saying it is tricky to find anything the public has heard about to which they can relate.
I can remember going to see Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis at the Lees Cliff Hall when they were part of “The Mary Whitehouse Experience” and they were hilarious. But that was thirty years ago. About twenty years ago they were at the Gulbenkian theatre in Canterbury when they were just smug. Hugh Dennis is rather good as a straight actor… perhaps it is time to give up the comedy? Sadly I’ve not found them funny for years.
There was also a lot of talk about how many children are using social media. There were quite a few knee-jerk reactions on the radio this morning. It strikes me that rather than banning what we cannot ban, we should look at how to deal with the reality of it.
We got to the woods. Admittedly an hour earlier than yesterday, but the car park was much emptier, and once away from the car park we walked for an hour and saw no one. We walked a rather shorter walk today; I was conscious of the weather forecast. But we got back to the car with no rain.
Once home I made us both a cuppa, and then went into the garden and made a start on rebuilding the water feature I’d moved yesterday. But after a few minutes the rain started. I came in and fiddled about on my lap-top. I updated my map of sink holes in Kings Wood. I’ve now found sixteen of the things ranging in size from a couple of metres across to twenty metres across.
I had a look at my bank account. There was a lot more money than I thought there should be. It would seem my pension has been paid. That’s a result.
And then I saw the rain had stopped. I went back into the garden and got that water feature rebuilt. I’ve not got the shingle round it just right yet; it needs a lick of paint and the wood got rather wet as I was testing. I then started scraping brindle chippings about in readiness for the next phase of gardening… as best I could. Treacle did insist on getting in the way.
And then the rain started again.
I gave up and came inside and put a load into the washing machine. I cracked on with the ironing whilst watching a couple of episodes of “Tribes of Europa”. Let’s just say that the viewing figures were bad enough for it not to be confirmed for a second season, and with the ironing done I slept through most of the second episode. I shan’t be bothering with the third.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching “Bottom Exposed”; a one-off documentary about the TV showBottom”. It was rather good apart from two glaring omissions about which I won’t give any spoilers.
Yesterday I ended by whinging about how I ached. Yesterday I ended up doing eighteen thousand steps. Today I only did eleven and a half thousand… but I still ache.
Oh – and the Foxy Morons have got to Uluru… or Ayers Rock as I thought it was called.

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