12 January 2019 (Saturday) - Early Shift

Having done a night shift I slept like a log, finally waking one minute before the alarm. Over a brekkie of granola I watched this week’s episode of “The Good Place”. For all that I like the show, with only one twenty-minute episode once a week I’m finding it rather difficult to keep up with the plot.
I had a little look at the Internet. There was very little kicking off on Facebook (perhaps six o’clock was a tad early for that sort of thing). However Amazon had sent me an email: “based on your recent activity, we thought you might be interested in this”, and they then tried to sell me the Metallica album “Exit Sandman” on coloured vinyl. I can’t help but wonder what “recent activity” might have provoked that suggestion. I also had an email from Dunelm Mill asking about my recent experience at their store. I scored then five out of ten on every criterion for which they asked an opinion. It was a shop. What did they expect I would score them?. On the one hand no one told me "piss off baldy", on the other hand there was no topless maid service.  So - 5/10. Average. I told them that as well. I wonder if I will win the prize daw offered to everyone who fills in their questionnaire?
Mind you these store questionnaires are rubbish. A colleague once told me that his girlfriend worked in SpecSavers, and anyone scoring less than eight out of ten on such customer feedback forms would get a rather nasty one-to-one with a manager.

I got myself organised and set off to work. Being on an early shift I was on the road well before seven o’clock. The street lights were all on, but they might as well not have been for all the illumination that they offered. The radio was broadcasting some utter drivel about farming so I turned it off, and sang along to my choice of music as I drove to work.

Work was much the same as ever; I did my bit and was glad when the relief arrived. As I left to come home I had a look at the geo-map. I saw that of the one hundred puzzle geocaches that went live a few days ago, one of the very few that I’d solved still hadn’t had a first to find claimed. I thought about chasing it, but it was already getting dark so I came home.

As I arrived home so "er indoors TM" was going out. The women of the family were all off out to the coast to see “little mix” (?) I did wonder if the dogs would want a quick once round the block, but they were all worn out. Whilst I was at work, they had all had an adventure on the beach.
I was pleased to see the job lot of Lego I’d bought on eBay had arrived. That had only taken nine days.  Mind you I’m not entirely sure it was quite the promised bargain – some of those white, yellow and black bricks aren’t Lego but some cheap knock-off version. You can always tell real Lego as it’s got “Lego” written on it.

I gave the dogs their dinner, then foraged for mine. This evening I foraged in the general direction of the KFC where I had something of a revelation. I must have been in that place at least once a month for the last thirty-two years. I’ve never been served by the same person twice, and I’ve very rarely been served by anyone whose spoken English is remotely understandable.
I scoffed my dinner whilst watching more episodes of “Prison Break” and with dinner scoffed I did some washing and ironing. As I was carrying wet washing to the clothes horse I fell over Pogo. He did scream. I think he’s OK, but he’s never screamed like that before. We sat and cuddled for a few minutes until we both calmed down.
Did I ever mention that I never wanted dogs?

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