An odd sort of a day. The idea of taking today as a day off work was so’s I could load up the car ready for a prompt getaway to the kite festival tomorrow. But having loaded up last night meant that today’s job was done. I *could* have cancelled the day’s holiday, but getting leave is so difficult; if I’d not taken today off, I’d struggle to get another day off later. And I did need to top up the water level in the pond – a job which takes a few hours and is best not left unattended too long. I’ve flooded the bathroom before when the hose has sprung a leak in the past.
So as the pond filled I got the last few bits into the car, including three more gallons of ale I’d overlooked. And I sorted out my smalls for the weekend. I then did a bit of gardening – I dug out the grass growing between the paving stones in the front garden. The cement between these stones really needs replacing, but I don’t want the aggro of lifting the stones and repositioning them. I wonder if I might bodge it with decorative filler. The jungle from next door is beginning to flood over the fence again – I’ll take the electric shears to that another time.
And then I popped up into Ashford. I can remember a month ago at Teston Kite Festival realising that I needed to sort out the problem of the poles piercing out through the tops of the banners. The tops of the poles we use are very fine and quite sharp, and I said that I needed something to put on the tops of the poles to stop this happening. I shopped around looking for something to do the trick, and I bought some erasers. I shall chop them up, and stick a lump of rubber on the top of each pole. Let’s see if that works. I also mentioned a few weeks ago that I could do with a new penknife for fishing purposes. New penknives don’t come cheap, so I might just rough it with the old one. I also had a look in the DVD shops – the Ashford branch of CEX is now open, and I picked up some DVDs. With the most expensive I bought being £2.50, and some as cheap at 75p, I think I’ve got a bargain or two.
Home for a bit of KFC for scran, and to watch one of my new DVDs – “Orgazmo” – made by the people who make “South Park”, it’s the story of one of the saddest super-heroes you’ll ever find, and it is described by a top film critic as "callow, gauche, obvious and awkward, and designed to appeal to those with similar qualities". I loved it (!) I then wasted an hour or so in NeverWinter before going on a mission to Asda with “Daddies Little Angel TM ”. She wanted some moisturiser and some Fridji (and a lift). Whilst there, I bought her an airbed (she deserved it - she has scrubbed the house this week) and I got myself an aluminium table to go in my new tent.
I then revamped the constellation game we do as a fundraiser for the astro club – I was running out of the pre-printed sheets of paper, and thought I’d do some new ones. But as the old format looked a bit dull, I thought I’d jazz it up with pictures of the constellations. But they had to be small pictures or they wouldn’t fit on the page. In the end they turned out to be too small to actually be seen. So after an hour’s fiddling about I contented myself with a change of font size, adding a club logo to the top of the page, and giving the whole thing a pinkish hue. There are those who will take a stance against the pinkish hue, but I (for one) was never confused.
I’m off on my travels in the morning, so there won’t be any updates for a few days. “My Boy TM ” is being left in charge at home. I wonder if he’ll do the washing up? See you all on Monday….
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