I had my annual appraisal at work today. In many ways I cynically wonder if the thing is a waste of time, as I see my manager on a daily basis, and any problems get dealt with as they occur, rather than saving them up for a once-a-year whinge fest. In any event, most of the gripes I have about work can’t be sorted by anyone lower down the chain than the minister for health, so once again I kept my trap shut.
After work me and ‘er indoors TM went for a walk. We started in Appledore, and followed the canal for a mile or so. On the way we watched a slow worm going about his business. We saw a few woodpeckers doing whatever it is that woodpeckers do when not pecking wood. And we found a wonderful tree which seemed to be sprouting both blackberries and raspberries. We decided not to eat any; just in case.
We then left the canal and walked up into Stone-in-Oxney, scaring a few sheep, rabbits and horses along the way. Once in the village we found a pink pub. How cool is that? We deserved a pint of Larkins (on gravity!), before walking half a mile along the road to the Ferry Inn where we had a pint of Hopdaemon’s Golden Braid. Very nice!
And then we took the footpath back to Appledore where we scared a frog. If only all footpaths were that well marked. All things considered a very good walk. It took about three hours – and with a little judicious tweaking, may well make a good walk for one weekend in the not too distant future…
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