5 June 2024 (Wednesday) - A Fruity German

Last night’s night shift was rather busy… I say “busy”; perhaps “constant” would be a better description. When I first started night work we would work a full shift before the night, and from five o’clock in the afternoon until nine the next morning we would be called in from home as and when needed. And then do a full shift afterwards.
The first night I ever did was in August 1985 when I was called in five times during the evening, finishing the last call at twenty past midnight. Last night I was on the go all the time. As soon as I finished one task so another was waiting for me. I only got a break by walking out and leaving things for as long as it took to have a cuppa. I was rather glad to see the early shift arrive.
My watch has told me that I should aim to walk six thousand steps every day. From when I go round the woods I’ve worked out that this is about two and a half miles. Having zero-ed itself at midnight, the step counter reached six thousand steps as I walked out to my car this morning at eight o’clock.
As I drove home the pundits on the radio were talking about last night’s televised debate between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition. There were interviews with leading Conservative and Labour politicians. I didn’t see the debate but from what I heard this morning it was little more than a petty squabble in which the Prime Minister appeared slightly more eloquent than his opponent.
These televised debates really are another example of why democracy is a total farce. The televised debate isn’t about coming up with who’s got the best plan for running the country. It’s all about who can appear the most smarmy. I’m reminded of the Junior Debating Society at my old secondary school where we were taught that you really can fool all of the people all of the time provided you talk loudly and confidently.
I came off the motorway five minutes before the garden centre opened, so I took a quick detour to go there. I needed some large cobblestones for the next stage of the pond’s revamp. Last night on the way to work I went to B&M Bargains, Wickes, Poundstretcher and Homebase to find that none of them had what I needed. Fortunately Bybrook Barn did. Sadly at twice the price I thought they would be.
Equipped with cobbles (and some compost) I came home. As I had a shower and shave there was a minor commotion in the garden. Morgan really did squeal on Bailey who was then caught red-handed (pawed?) digging in the planter I built a couple of months ago.
It didn’t take *that* long to put the soil back, and the plants didn’t seem overly trashed, so here’s hoping.
I then went to bed for the morning. Morgan and Bailey came with me, and used the bed as a battleground.
“er indoors TM sorted a cup of soup, and then I took the dogs round the roads for a walk. And with walk walked I pootled in the garden for a bit. As I topped up the pond I mowed the lawn, then made a start shifting the heavy stuff behind the bog filter in readiness for the ground work I’m planning for tomorrow.
I then boiled up dinner. I wasn’t overly impressed with how it turned out to be honest, and I must admit that the bottle of piesporter I got from Sainsburys last night wasn’t all that. I thought I couldn’t go wrong with a fruity German… I was wrong.
As we scoffed we watched the last two episodes of “Doctor Who”. We’re now up to date with the recent episodes. Having been watching the show for as long as I can remember I’ve been rather disparaging about much of the last ten years’ worth, but these last two episodes were rather good.

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