29 June 2024 (Saturday) - Lazy Day - Still Feeling Grim

Another rough night. For some odd reason my phone was beeping with various notifications during the night despite having no connection to the internet.  It does that; I wish it wouldn’t.
I got up and hosed out my sinuses, then looked into the Internet as I scoffed toast. Quite a few friends had news. One had moved to a rather large house in Norfolk, one had moved to Tyneside, one had taken promotion to a hospital in Bath, one had retired, one had had the all-clear from breast cancer.
Being a rather nosey sort of person this is the sort of thing I want to hear from social media. The morning’s on-line argument about whether or not Reg Varney had been the first person in the UK to use a cashpoint machine (he was) isn’t why the Internet was invented.
Being Saturday we left the girls asleep in the attic room and went to Dog Club. There was quite a high turn-out today, and none of the unpleasantness that we had last week. Everyone got on fine realising the petty spats between the dogs are over as quick as they start. I took a few photos too.
I had wondered if I should have gone to Dog Club; it only went on for forty minutes but at the end I was worn out. As we drove home we struggled with Steve’s Mystery Year competition on the radio. I was convinced it was some time in the mid seventies until Steve let the cat out of the bag by playing a record he said was one of his favourite eighties tracks. Whoops! Mind you I was still two years out.
We came home and the girls all got ready and went to the family golf day in Hastings. I stayed home with the dogs and watched “Bridge Over The River Kwai” as I did the ironing, and with the ironing done I sat and felt rather ill as I struggled with a series of geo-puzzles that have been put out for the South of England Mega event in a few weeks’ time. One was particularly fiendish and involved a game of Battleships… it gave me a headache.
Eventually the girls returned.  “Daddy’s Little Angel TM and “Darcie Waa Waa TM went off to see a friend’s new puppy. “er indoors TM boiled up some rather good beefburgers which we scoffed whilst watching the last episode of “Race Across the World”. Mind you I say “last episode”; there’s a celebrity version featuring people of whom no one has ever heard, and apparently the BBC have announced a new season will be made.
Despite having done pretty much nothing today, I feel worn out. 

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