30 June 2024 (Sunday) - Bootfair Safari

Another bad night. I was awake far too early listening to dogs smacking their chops and fidgeting about. Why can’t dogs just lie quietly in the mornings? They do for the rest of the day.
You’d think that after five days there would be some feeling back in my upper jaw, wouldn’t you? I wonder if some nerve damage has been done?
I made toast and peered into the internet and my lap-top announced that I should be using an official HP charging cable. I was using the one that came out of the box the thing came in; what more could I do?
Unlike yesterday there wasn’t much of note on-line today. The lorry driver who often pleads poverty was again banging on about the merits of his Tesla car, and there was a minor quarrel about a kiting event on Hamstead Heath. It is some years since I was part of the organised kite flying scene, but when I was it was one big argument, and it would seem little has changed.
Still feeling grim I slept for much of the morning. “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” and  “Darcie Waa Waa TM  went out with their mates, and “er indoors TM  and I took the dogs out for a little walk. There was a local bootfair safari in which people set up little stalls in their front gardens selling the sort of stuff they would otherwise take to a bootfair. There was something similar over the other side of town last year which hadn’t been great. I wanted to have a look just in case, but everyone was selling the sort of tat that I would be wanting to get rid of, and no one was selling anything I’d really be interested in. Which I suppose is the whole point of a bootfair. If it was worth having, you wouldn’t be getting rid of it, would you?
Whilst we were out we popped to the park where there was a fair for Armed Forces Day. To be honest I don’t know what I had been expecting, but I had been expecting more than a few random stalls.
We came home for a cuppa. We only walked less than two miles, but I was exhausted. I sat on the sofa and struggled with more geo-puzzles. I even solved one, and flushed with success solved some more. One puzzle has me stumped though. Click here and tell me the answer if you can.
I’d spent some of the afternoon messaging with an old mucker about geo-puzzles, but eventually he turned off the PC and watched the football. Apparently there was some big football match this afternoon. I wish I knew what the attraction of football is. Seemingly everyone else in the world loves football. I don’t dislike it: I just find it incredibly dull. Once you’ve seen five minutes of a game, you really have seen the lot. Or that is, I have.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good chicken dinner. Once “Darcie Waa Waa TM was awake we scoffed it whilst watching some Bebefinn on Kids You-Tube. She’s currently in the bath – that’s usually good for an argument.

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