3 June 2024 (Monday) - A Day at Work

I woke in the middle of the night as I do, set a load of washing going and went back to bed where I dozed on and off until the washing was done. I got up properly, hung it out, put more in, made toast, and watched the first episode of “Tires”; a new series on Netflix which shows some promise.
I then sparked up my lap-top. I had a message from Facebook. A couple of days ago I’d reported an advert. One click on that advert went straight to PornHub, and even that didn’t breach Facebook’s advertising standards.
I sent out a birthday video to Daddy’s Little Angel TM” and leaving instructions for “er indoors TM to hang out the washing I set off.
I took a little diversion into the town centre for some Munzee Points of Interest, then set off up the motorway to work. I say "motorway"; Operation Brock was again in force for no explicable reason.
As I drove the pundits on the radio were spouting their usual drivel. I'd not heard the news for a week or so and it hadn't changed much in that time. The war in Gaza continues; it seems both sides are keen on the war continuing. For all there is talk of cease fire, there is talk and talk, and the poor people on the ground continue to suffer.
There was also a lot of opinion spouted about the upcoming General Election. The Conservatives are keen to sort out the entire trans issue by revamping the Equality Act in a shallow plan to stop Conservative voters turning to the Reform party. Mind you I use the term "sort out" in its loosest way. Effectively what they propose is that anyone can declare they are whatever gender they like and that is all heigh-ho pip and dandy until such time as they try to interact with anyone else at all. At that point gender would legally become the same as biological sex, and biological females go to ladies toilets and compete in female sporting events and get banged up in ladies prisons (and the same for males) blah-de-blah just like it always used to be. Personally I see this as a fight waiting to happen; things have moved on since the bad old days.
However I'll (again) make the observation that whilst there are genuine trans people (of that I have no doubt), for many (especially the young) it is the craze of the moment. When my father was young there were Teddy Boys, when I was a lad there was punk rockers and when my children were younger everyone dressed in Burberry.
In my oldest granddaughter's last year at school there were twenty children claiming to be trans in a class of thirty. 
I wonder what the craze will be when “Darcie Waa Waa TM is of an age to join in?
I got to work. A few years ago I used to feel sick at the thought of going to work. Now I quite like it. I did my bit, and spent half an hour showing an A-level student the wonders of what blood looks like down a microscope. She seemed quite impressed; I didn't have the heart to tell her not to follow a scientific career.
I came home… once I eventually found somewhere to park. “er indoors TM boiled up a very good bit of dinner and went bowling. I settled on the sofa with the dogs and watched a film on Netflix. “Brian and Charles” was rather good, but like most films went on a tad too long.

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