10 June 2024 (Monday) - Hospital, Vet, Planning...

I woke to the sound of rain this morning; I always find the sound of rain rather depressing. It means that pretty much whatever I’ve got planned is cancelled.
I made toast and had a little look at the Internet as I scoffed it. It was pretty much the same as ever. Squabbles and willful misunderstanding abounded. Apparently quite a few “Vote Labour” signs that have been put up locally have been destroyed. That was good for a squabble.
I then drove over to the local hospital for a couple of appointments. First of all to the ENT out-patients department in a desperate hope to talk to someone about my upcoming surgery. No one there was able to talk to me, but they gave me the phone number of someone who could have helped had she not been on holiday.
I then went round to the X-ray department to have my dodgy knee looked at. I got to the X-ray department to see a large sign directing me to check in at the hospital’s main reception area where the chap with whom I’d had a minor run-in a couple of weeks ago was sitting with a rather self-important air. He asked loads of questions and then directed me to the X-ray department’s reception area where they asked the same questions again. They then seemed rather annoyed that I wasn’t wearing a kilt or shorts, and insisted I put on some rather embarrassing surgical gown and then sit in the waiting area for all to stare at me in said surgical gown.
As I sat and waited so the three women behind the reception desk shrieked about the antics of a colleague’s boyfriend who had got so drunk over the weekend that he’s lost his false teeth.
After a few minutes I was called in for the X-ray. This too was frankly embarrassing. The trainee would position me for the X-ray then the supervisor would come over, say “No!” and the poor trainee would start again. Personally if I was the supervisor I would have shown the trainee how she should have done it, but what do I know?
I then went along the corridor for the pre-assessment for my upcoming surgery. Having been told my appointment was at ten o’clock I’d booked the X-ray an hour earlier so’s I could go from one appointment to the other. The nurse at the pre-assessment clinic saw I was early, and asked me “what I’d got up my arse” as people are usually late. She went through my notes and demanded to know why I’d had blood tests done at my last pre-assessment, talked about an ECG but didn’t do one, and took my blood pressure which at 148/98 I thought was rather high, but nurse didn’t.
I came home. Seeing the rain had eased off I loudly announced that I was going to the woods for a walk. Three sleeping dogs leapt up.
We went up to Kings Wood and had a good walk. Once we were away from the car park we went for over three miles and didn’t see anyone. And despite the rain it wasn’t *that* muddy. As I walked I found myself thinking about revamping the geocaches I’ve got up there into smaller walks.
We came home, and I spent a few minutes stalking “er indoors TM bird feeder. There’s a little blue tit which has taken to coming for a feed… whenever there’s no cameras about. I gave up trying to photograph the elusive bird, and had a little clean-out of the boot of my car instead. It was rather grubby, and the dog bedding was rather whiffy; I set the washing machine loose on it.
Before long it was time for the vets. Today had something of a medical theme; Bailey and Morgan were due for their boosters at the dog-doctor. The vet seemed impressed with both of them, but Bailey does need her teeth brushing.
I then cracked out GSAK (it’s a geocaching thing) and looked at a map of all my geocaches in Kings Wood. They are good for this year, but come the winter they need revamping. The long route of over eight miles is too long, and pretty much everyone who likes Wherigo has done them all now. I’ve plans for three walking routes of about five miles each, and some smaller Wherigo series. But it’s all in the formative stages at the moment.…
“er indoors TM boiled up some scran, then went off bowling as she does on Mondays. I settled in front of the telly with the dogs… and fell asleep.
I’ve had a rather busy day today…

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