21 June 2024 (Friday) - Late Shift

As part of the run-up to having my nose re-bored (again) next week I have to take steroids for a week leading up to it. I don’t sleep very well at the best of times, and these steroids don’t help. Having been wide awake for most of the night I finally nodded off only to hear a thud as Treacle jumped of the bed and was sick.
Dogs, eh?
I made toast, and scoffed it with more steroids and antibiotics as I peered into the Internet. Four Facebook friends were having a birthday today. I had no idea who one was, and another has made no effort to communicate in ten years. Another is a fellow hunter of Tupperware that I see from time to time, and the fourth was twenty-nine years old today. Twenty-nine… I remember walking up to the maternity unit to see him only hours after he’d been born.
Some friends were posting photos from the Solstice gatherings at Avebury and Stonehenge. Others were posting that they’d been taken ill at the Solstice gatherings.
And one was doing “Chase the Sun” – a bike ride from Rochester castle to the other side of Cheddar Gorge. Over two hundred miles in one day. They chose today to give them the maximum amount of daylight. What an adventure! Back in the day I would have been up for that.
I saw that two new geocaches had gone live overnight, and that someone else had left home at five o’clock this morning so as to be first to find them. One of them was a puzzle about… I won’t say what it was about, but I’m sure I’d figured out the theme… but I couldn’t get the checker to give me the thumbs-up.
I put the leads onto the dogs and not having time to go to the woods I gritted my teeth and took them round the park. Usually we meet one or two “plums” when we go there, and today was no exception.
As the dogs were running across the green minding their own business some Nepalese chap pointed at them and stared shouting “Bad! Bad! Bad!” This obviously attracted their attention and when they went up to him to see what he wanted he didn’t actually run in terror, but it wasn’t far off.
As we came to the end of the walk I called to the dogs to come back to get their leads on. I’d barely finished calling when some passing busybody asked with (in a rather patronizing way) if I was having trouble with my dogs. The pups then sprinted up and sat in front of him. He bustled off without a word as I put their leads on.
Why do I attract these idiots?
As we walked we went through the bit of the park which last year the council had spent thousands of pounds making into a rather nice woodland walk. Sadly they’ve let it fall into disrepair and it is now little more than a thicket overgrown with stinging nettles.
We came home, I made a cuppa for me and “er indoors TM, then as I walked out the door I had a stroke of genius about why I couldn’t solve that geo-puzzle.
I set off up the motorway. Having checked the traffic news it seemed that the A249 was open (for once) and so I went to Sheerness and Wheelans. I knew exactly what garden ornaments I wanted from Wheelans, and by heroic self-control I only came out with two more than I went to get.
Having yet again forgotten to make myself a sandwich I stopped off at the branch of Aldi on the Isle of Sheppey only to find it was still being built (whoops!) so I drove across the road to the Morrisons. The fat balls for the sparrows were fifty pence more in Morrisons than they are in Tesco, but I was in Morrisons, and an extra trip to Tesco wasn't worth the saving of fifty pence.
I then went in to work. I'm not keen on the late shifts but I've had worse ones. As I worked I had a message from “Daddy’s Little Angel TM”. “Stormageddon – Bringer of Destruction TM had disgraced himself at school. Oh dear... I suppose in the grand scheme of things it is nothing that his mother hadn't done in the past. Time and time again.
I came home to mayhem. Darcie Waa Waa TM has come for a sleepover and brought Pogo with her. After an hour’s chaos “er indoors TM and “Darcie Waa Waa TM went to bed and all the dogs followed.
I took the opportunity to try out my stroke of genius on that geo-puzzle. I got the right answer…

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