1 June 2024 (Saturday) - Back to Reality

Needing to be up promptly I’d told the Alexa to sound an alarm at seven o’clock. It made a rather strange noise. Personally I prefer the sound of my phone telling me (quite literally) to get my arse out of its pit.
I got up, did my packing, generally got in the way of everyone else trying to do their packing, and it wasn’t long before we were saying our goodbyes and heading homewards.
As we set off I looked at the clock. Usually at that time on a Saturday morning we would have been finishing up at Dog Club and trying to work out what the year was on Steve’s mystery year competition on the radio. It was a shame that Radio Ashford doesn’t broadcast as far as Cambridgeshire; we tried to get the on-line version but the internet signal was patchy at best.
As we drove southwards down the motorways we looked at amazement at the miles of stationary traffic trying to head northwards; we were right to have made an early start last week.
We got home and were soon unloaded (if not unpacked), and it wasn’t long before we worked out that “er indoors TM had left a bag of shoes at the holiday cottage. Woops! Mind you I was very pleased to hear her saying that it was her fault and she should have checked; I did check the utility room where she’d left them and clearly I didn’t check the right cupboards.
I had a little look in the garden. “My Boy TM” and the rain had seen that the plants were OK. Most of the pond plants had gone berserk though. The big pond was amazingly clear; I’m convinced that my theory about plants in a pond is a good one. Sadly the filter in the little pond had blocked up. It does that with annoying regularity. A couple of days I’d seen a photo of the thing on one of the pond-related Facebook groups asking if it was any good. The general consensus is that it makes for a good fountain, but as a filter it needs too much cleaning.
But it didn’t take that long to clean out, and once I’d run round with the lawn mower I cleaned the filter of the big pond too. For all that the plants in the big pond had gone berserk, the punnet of watercress I’d chucked in a couple of weeks ago hadn’t really taken off, so as “er indoors TM went shopping I asked her to get another bag of the stuff.
I put a week’s worth of undercrackers into the washing machine. It had had a week off; back to the grind for it. And then I had a little pootle in the garden planning the extension to the bog filter. I’ve got a length of drainpipe to protect my inlet (oo-er!) and probably enough shingle to make a base. All I need are some large cobblestones and the plants. If any of my loyal readers have any spare large cobblestones they don’t want, I’m your man. And if anyone could identify the plant with yellow flowers in the piccie above I’d be very grateful. The obvious place to ask would be one of the Facebook pond-related pages; my post I awaiting approval but I suspect that just asking what a plant is will be enough to kick off several rather bitter arguments.
As I type this, all three dogs are snoring. We’ve had a good week away but it has been very full-on for them. They are worn out, poor things. As am I…

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