11 June 2024 (Tuesday) - Little Bit of Politics

I read something which made me think on my old school’s Facebook page this morning as I scoffed toast. Someone from my year at secondary school went to bed on April 29th and didn’t wake up the next morning. An ambulance was called, he was taken to hospital where he died a week later never having regained consciousness. A tragic loss for the family, but for the chap himself? My mother went downhill for some time before being taken to the hospice where she dragged on for two more weeks. When my father had his stroke he then lay in a hospital bed clearly confused and frightened for a fortnight before finally passing away. When my time comes I’d rather have no notice at all; just go to bed as usual one night and let that be it.
On a lighter note I had a friend request from “Mars Mary” who like so many made a total mockery of Facebook’s Community Standards.
As I drove to work the pundits on the radio were talking about the upcoming general election. All the parties are promising the undeliverable. But I spent much of the day when I should have been working thinking about who will get my vote.
Nominations for the upcoming general election have now closed, and with a few minutes spare I did a little research. I’ve got the choice of six candidates at next month’s general election. Taking the candidates in alphabetical order:
There’s our current MP. I follow him on Facebook where he regularly appears trying to take the credit for other people’s efforts. Having been my MP for the last twenty-seven years the only really memorable thing I can recall him doing is to have got caught looking at filth on his works computer.
Then there’s the Reform UK candidate. He came tenth out of eleven in the last election he stood for (in Lewisham) and from what I can see he has absolutely nothing to do with the local area. But he’s raised money for Paralympians so he can’t be all bad.
The Labour candidate is a local lad having moved to Ashford over twenty years ago and has worked for the NHS for years. He’s already a local councilor so he’s not entirely inexperienced. He’s promised all sorts of things if he gets elected, but talk is cheap.
The fourth candidate is also a local councilor. In the past he’s stood for election as a Conservative, but now he’s not. Because of the finances of standing as an independent candidate for a general election, he’s formed his own political party. There’s sod all on-line about his party other than that it is registered to an address in Bath. He’s got a twitter account which shows him posting leaflets in my road, and promises regular updates. The leaflets don’t say much, and the promise of regular updates was made in January.
The fifth candidate is also a local who is standing for the Green party. What she says on-line is at odds with the leaflet she has stuck through our letterbox the other day in which she claims that as a Green she can act independently which other political parties cannot do. Does she not toe the Green Party line?
And the last candidate is standing for the Liberal Democrats. He lives in the Folkestone area and stood for local elections last year when he came in eight place out of nine candidates. If you read his official statement I think it’s clear he isn’t taking it at all seriously.
So which of these am I going to vote for? The Tory chap is very good at taking the credit for what everyone else has done, so he’s out.
The Reform chap isn’t a local and doesn’t seem to know much about the area, so he too is out. Added to which Reform means Nigel Farage who has a proven track record of being a troublemaker; the last thing he wants is to be elected to anything he has to do properly.
The Liberal Democrat bloke can’t even be arsed to write a personal statement.
In theory my heart says Green, but in practice they have proved they aren’t up to the job. The Greens jointly control the local council… ask anyone about the debacle of bin collections in Ashford. If the Greens could do just one thing you’d think it would be recycling, wouldn’t you? My local councilor is a Green. I’ve contacted her a couple of times and she is rather good at telling me that everything is somebody else’s problem. And one of the local Green activists used to run the pub where we once had a family party. Having paid up quite a bit of dosh in advance I was then twice asked for more money as she’d undercharged.
So it’s between the Labour bloke (if only he didn’t bring all the half-wits of the national Labour Party with him), and the Consensus bloke… (if only I knew what he actually stood for - I have tweeted at him to ask).
If I had to vote right now, I’d be drawing a great big knob on the ballot paper (again).

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